• Mother, You Can Come Down 妈妈,您可以下来了

    16-05-12 The cruise ship my friend was working on socked at a Mexican port during a very high tide. Everyone on board was forced to use the ships narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below. The staff stood motionless when a passenger in her 70s a...

  • passenger-carrying drone 可载人无人机

    16-03-16 Chinese drone maker Ehang on Wednesday unveiled the world's first passenger-carrying drone at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which might help achieve the long-standing dream of automated short-to-medium-distance everyday flights....

  • 菲律宾一艘载客螃蟹船倾覆 至少16人死亡

    15-07-02 At least 16 people were confirmed dead when a passenger banca capsized in the waters off Ormoc City in central Philippines' Leyte province on Thursday afternoon, local media reported. 菲律宾当地媒体报道,本周四下午菲律宾中部莱特省奥尔莫克市附近海域...

  • 沉船事件相关词汇

    15-06-08 passenger ship 客轮 luxury cruise ship 豪华游轮 Jianli section at the middle reaches of Yangtze River 长江中游监利水域 cyclone 龙卷风 Yangtze River navigation administration 长江航运管理 capsize (船)倾覆,翻船 distress call 求救信号 group tourists...

  • 机组成员常用词汇和短语曝光

    14-12-28 A flight attendant has revealed the definition of a series of unusual words and phrases used by cabin crew. 近日,美国一位空姐曝光了一组机组成员常用的特殊词汇和短语。 Sarah Steegar, a flight attendant with a majorUScarrier for the past 15 years, exp...

  • 北京将于下月上涨公共交通票价

    14-11-27 Beijing's municipal government has said the planned price hike for the capital's public transportation system will go into effect on December 28. 北京市政府称,首都公共交通系统的计划性涨价将于12月28日开始生效。 Under the new pricing scheme, for a si...

  • 乘机习惯可能由国籍决定

    14-10-24 Whether you kick back with a glass of wine, immerse yourself in a novel or strike up a conversation with the person seated next to you on a plane can be determined by which nationality is listed on your passport, a survey has claimed. 一份调查显示:...

  • The Bus is too crowded 车太挤

    14-07-29 Hey, let me get on. a man shouted at the passengers on the bus. It's too crowded. You had better wait for the next bus. a passenger said to him. But you can't go without me. I'm the driver. the man said. 喂,让我上车!那位男士向公交车上的乘客喊道。...

  • harassenger 恼人乘客

    14-07-22 Harassenger (blend of harass and passenger) is a passenger who is constantly judging your driving skills. He/she constantly cautions you to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you, checks that you're obeying the speed limit, and is always...

  • 第一次开出租车

    14-05-07 A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop window. The driver said, Look mate, don't ever do...