• 应对气候变化:让宠物狗改吃虫子

    20-12-21 你有没有因为环保人士把气候变化归咎于自家的宠物狗而感到烦恼不已?别怕,现在只要给你家 汪汪 喂用黑色兵蝇做成的狗粮,不用喂什么巴西牛肉,它也能长得胖胖的。一家宠物食品制造商说,他们的一款新产品中含有 40% 的兵蝇幼虫。 Its estimated that pets consume aro...

  • 《都是戴茜惹的祸》精彩词句

    14-10-14 This is temporary. So don't go getting your hopes up. 这只是暂时的。所以你别想得太美了。 I made an exception for the kid. But there is no exception for that mongrel. 我是为了孩子才破例的。但是我可不会为那只杂种狗破例。 I make the rules here, and it'...

  • 养狗者勤奋 养猫者害羞 养兔者更富创造力

    14-03-21 研究发现,养狗者勤奋、起得早,而且通常都步入了婚姻;养猫者害羞、邋遢,且多为单身;养兔者更富创造力、闲散、爱开小差。研究称,养狗者和养兔者都自称起得早,而养猫者多为夜猫子。 In the war of the pets, dogs have won the latest battle - or at least their...

  • 几种对宠物有害的人类食物

    13-12-01 A number of human foods are dangerous to pets. Many of these foods may seem tasty to our pets but can prove deadly if eaten. It can be very tempting to offer pets food from the table, but pets should not be given human food unless recommended by you...

  • 大量哈利波特猫头鹰遭弃养

    12-05-27 An owl sanctuary says it is still feeling the unwanted effect of the Harry Potter films, with high numbers of owls being abandoned. 英国一家猫头鹰收容所称,哈利波特系列电影带来的负面影响仍在继续,大量猫头鹰遭到弃养。 It is claimed owls' popularity a...

  • 美推出木乃伊安葬服务

    12-03-10 These are the modern day mummies. Already, more than 1500 people across the world have contacted Summum, the world's only mummification company, to be mummified after they die. 美国萨门公司推出全新安葬方式:把尸体制成现代木乃伊。全球已经有1500多人联...

  • 黑猩猩上广告容易扭曲人们的保护认识

    11-10-13 Television ads featuring cute chimpanzees wearing human clothes are likely to distort(扭曲) the public's perception of the endangered animals and hinder(阻碍) conservation efforts, according to a team of primatologists and a marketing professor...

  • 养宠物有益于人们的心理健康

    11-07-12 Pets can serve as important sources of social and emotional support for everyday people, not just individuals facing significant health challenges, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. And, the study found, pet...

  • 英国人喜爱宠物超于恋人

    11-02-20 Britons are famously devoted to their pets but a new survey ahead of Valentine's Day shows their furry friends may be standing in the way of love. 英国人对宠物的喜爱是出了名的,但情人节前夕进行的一项最新调查显示,这些毛茸茸的朋友们可能会阻碍爱情。 E...

  • 美国宠物肥胖问题日益突出

    11-01-24 Is your puppy getting pudgy? Does your terrier need to drop a few excess pounds? Like many adults in the United States, an increasing number of pets are overweight or obese. 你的爱犬越来越发福吗?你的宠物狗需要减肥吗?就如同成年人肥胖大军日渐壮大,...