• sexting获评最招人烦的新词

    11-10-29 If you wince when you hear it then you are not alone in thinking 'sexting' is the most irritating phrase to have entered our lexicon this year. 如果你在听到sexting(发性短信)这个词的时候会皱眉,那么你并不孤单,有许多人都认为这个今年刚被收入字典的词...

  • 《其实你不懂他的心》四

    11-10-18 影片对白 Man: Hey. What are you doing? Girl: Waiting for you. Come on. Alex: Sorry I'm late. Gigi: No, it's okay. I like a little time before a blind date. Prepare myself mentally, remind myself not to tell the story about my molars ... Alex: Gigi,...

  • 《其实你不懂他的心》一

    11-10-18 影片对白 Janine: Okay, so clearly he hasn't called. Maybe he's away on business. Gigi: He sells real estate. In Baltimore. Staying in town is his business. Janine: Right. Well, look, let me tell you. After I went out with Ben for the first time, he...

  • 《捉刀手》三

    11-10-06 精彩对白 Ghost Writer: Hello? Amelia: You need to check out of the hotel immediately. Things have changed. A car is on its way. See you then. Ghost Writer: Hello? Woman:Just check on that. Okay? Reporter: It's getting big, huh? Ghost Writer: So l s...

  • TV stoned 在电视机前“石化”

    11-09-28 The phrase TV stoned is used to describe a person who is completely deaf and blind to everything but his favorite show on television. TV stoned这个短语常用来形容某人完全专注于他喜欢的电视节目,对周围的一切视若无睹的状态。也就是我们常说的某人钻到电视...

  • 苹果状告HTC侵权

    11-07-12 Apple has accused the smartphone maker HTC of infringing its patents. 苹果公司指责智能手机生产商HTC侵犯其专利。 Apple has filed a complaint against the US International Trade Commission (ITC) seeking an inquiry by the panel into the matter. The news...

  • Cellular faux 手机掩护法

    11-06-14 Cellular faux refers to a social phenomenon wherein which a person acts as though he is on his cell phone in order to shield himself from uncomfortable situations. 手机掩护法(cellular faux)指有人为了避免使自己陷入尴尬境地而假装在打电话的情形。 For...

  • Phone neck 电话脖

    11-06-14 Phone neck refers to neck pain caused by holding a telephone between one's shoulder and ear for extended periods. It is one of the modern white-collar ailments. 电话脖(phone neck)指把电话夹在肩膀和耳朵之间很长时间引起的颈部疼痛,是现代白领病的一种...

  • Wrong number

    11-06-08 A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about thirty minutes, and then she hung up. Wow! said her father, That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened? Wrong number, replied the girl....

  • 加拿大研发出“纸手机”

    11-05-17 A smartphone made from electronic paper has been demonstrated by researchers in Canada. 加拿大研究人员日前研发了一款使用电子纸制作的智能纸手机。 The PaperPhone lets people make calls by bending the epaper. The PaperPhone is flexible and can be contr...