• 各种“卡”

    12-02-06 birthday card 生日卡 Christmas card 圣诞卡 New-Year card 贺年卡 post card 明信片 identity card 身份证 credit card 信用卡 debit card 借记卡 guest card 贵宾卡 preferential card 优惠卡 expense card 消费卡 get-well card 慰问卡 record card 记录卡 medicar...

  • Telemarketer 电话推销员

    12-02-03 I answered the phone one evening and quickly realized the voice on the other end belonged to a telemarketer. Good evening, he said, may I speak with Leah Jonason? She is a baby, I replied. All right, said the caller, I'll try again later. 一天晚上我...

  • phone hacking 手机窃听

    12-01-30 The disclosure that the News of the World phone hacking involved victims of crime began earlier this week with the revelation that Milly Dowlers mobile phone voicemails had been intercepted in the days following her disappearance. 《世界新闻报》涉及...

  • 1/10的人通过短信提出分手

    12-01-20 One in ten of us have been dumped by text message, a survey has revealed and a quarter confess to having flirted with someone they shouldn't in a text. 最新调查揭示,1/10的人曾收到分手短信,另有1/4的人坦言曾与不应该的人用短信调情。 So it's perhaps n...

  • Two hunters 两个猎人

    12-01-19 Once two hunters went hunting in the forest. One of them suddenly fell down by accident. He showed the whites of his eyes and seemed to have ceased breathing. The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help. The...

  • 爱乐乐团演奏遭手机铃声干扰

    12-01-14 著名的纽约爱乐乐团近日在演奏会进行时,音乐厅内传出了干扰的手机铃声。乐团指挥吉尔伯特停止乐团演奏,要求手机的主人把铃声关掉,直到会场恢复宁静后才继续演奏。 The New York Philharmonic came to a dramatic--but decidedly unscheduled--stop on Tuesday night...

  • self-snapshot 自拍

    11-12-27 Cheung also reportedly snapped a photo of them together with her mobile phone, and they appeared to exchange numbers. 据报道,张柏芝还用手机和陈冠希自拍了合照,似乎他们还交换了手机号码。 文中的snap a photo of them together就是指自拍,也可以说成use a...

  • 《良医妙药》二

    11-12-01 精彩对白 John Crowley: Hey. You okay? Did you get my messages? Mrs.Crowley: Your messages? You suddenly walk out of the meeting and fly to Nebraska without talking to me about it, and you think messages make it okay? I'm sorry. My God, John. I wanna...

  • Bad Drivers

    11-11-04 Theres a senior citizen driving on the highway. His wife calls him on his cell phone and in a worried voice says, Herman, be careful! I just heard on the radio that there was a madman driving the wrong way on Route 280! Herman says, I know, Im on Ro...

  • 《其实你不懂他的心》六

    11-11-01 影片对白 Beth: Did any of you guys have a chance to get to the store? Guys: Oh, yeah, no. We're good, we got takeout . Beth: No, I didn't mean for you, I meant f- Guys: All right, here we go. Come on, defense, wake up. You have to be kidding me. Nei...