• LG电子更换董事长

    10-09-20 LG Electronics, the world's third-biggest mobile phone maker, has replaced its chief executive after record losses at its handset business. LG电子,世界上第三大移动电话生产商,因其手机事业部创记录的损失而被迫更换董事长。 Nam Yong will be replaced by...

  • 以色列研发出手机辐射监测软件

    10-09-11 Israeli start-up firm Tawkon has developed software to measure mobile telephone handset radiation aimed at helping users reduce exposure to emissions without giving up their phones. 以色列新兴企业陶肯公司最新研发出一款手机辐射监测软件,使用户既不需...

  • Gossip 流言蜚语

    10-08-30 Over the years I have learned what harm can come from gossip(闲谈,流言) or just talking about other people. In my work place, gossip is a big problem, which is heightened by a couple of women who actually feel the need to stretch and twist certai...

  • 日本相扑选手用上iPad 改善沟通状况

    10-08-28 Japanese sumo wrestlers have been given iPads to communicate because their fingers are too fat to use a standard mobile phone. 日本有关组织日前向相扑选手们分发了苹果iPad,以解决他们手指太粗,没法用普通手机进行交流的问题。 The Japan Sumo Association...

  • 沙特宣布将禁用黑莓即时通信功能

    10-08-04 Saudi Arabia's telecoms watchdog has called on telecoms firms in the country to block the messenger function on Blackberry handsets from Friday. 沙特阿拉伯电信监管部门要求其国内电信公司从周五开始禁止黑莓手机的即时通信功能。 The watchdog said the ban...

  • 两海湾国家禁用黑莓手机部分功能

    10-08-02 Two Gulf states have announced bans on some functions of the Blackberry mobile phone, claiming security concerns. 考虑到安全问题,海湾地区两个国家宣布禁止黑莓手机的部分功能。 The UAE denies censorship is involved The United Arab Emirates is to block...

  • 手机——被忽略的细菌携带物

    10-07-31 They are pretty much essential, but you may want to ditch your mobile phone for ever after reading this. 手机在我们的生活中不可或缺,但你在看完这篇文章后可能永远也不想用手机了。 The average handset carries 18 times more potentially harmful germs(细...

  • 二成英国人曾错发色情短信

    10-07-17 Twenty percent of Britons have managed to send racy texts to the wrong person, and nearly one in 10 has been caught red-handed sexting, according to a poll on Tuesday. 本周二公布的一项民调显示,20%的英国人曾将色情短信发给错误的联系人,近十分之一的人...

  • 英国Orange公司推出长筒充电靴

    10-07-03 Modern festival-goers who dread ending up with a dead mobile phone battery after days stuck in a muddy field with no electric plug power points may now have a solution -- power boots. 喜爱参加节日活动的人再也不用担心被困泥地数日遇上手机没电,而且还...

  • 手机使用与脑癌发病率研究未果

    10-05-18 The world's biggest investigation on possible links between cell phone use and brain tumours is inconclusive(非决定性的,无结果的) , according to a Canadian scientist who collaborated on the Interphone International Study Group. Jack Siemiatycki,...