• phubbing 低头症

    14-01-22 Phubbing refers to the activity of being impolite in a social situation by looking at your phone instead of paying attention to the person you are with. Phubbing指在社交场合不关注身边的人,而是一个劲看手机的不礼貌行为,我们可称之为低头症。 Have you...

  • zenware 极简软件

    14-01-16 Zenware is a software designed to block visual distractions on a computer so that it is easier to concentrate on what you are doing. Zenware是一款能够屏蔽电脑上各类容易让人分神的窗口和软件、以便让用户更加专注于手头工作的软件,字面意思为禅宗软件,业...

  • 美国乘客获准在飞行模式下使用电子设备

    13-11-11 The US is relaxing its rules to allow air passengers to listen to music, play video games and watch films on their phones and tablets during takeoffs and landings. 美国联邦航空局日前出台新规定,航空乘客获准用手机或平板电脑听音乐、玩游戏及看电影,但...

  • blue-spoof 蓝牙误会

    13-10-18 Blue-spoof means causing someone to believe you are speaking to them while actually using the hands-free device for your cell phone, or believing someone is talking to you, but they're using their blue-tooth. (Source: merriam-webster.com) Blue-spoof...

  • 纽约州内主干道设立短信区

    13-09-29 为了遏制司机开车发短信的行为,美国纽约州近日宣布将在州内交通主干道沿线设立91个短信区,并沿路设指示牌,提醒司机短信区就在前方,不用急着看手机。 An ATT survey earlier this year showed that 49 percent of adult drivers text while driving that's a lot of...

  • nomophobia 无手机焦虑症

    13-09-12 Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The term, an abbreviation for no-mobile-phone phobia, was coined during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov, a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffere...

  • 英国男子装收费声讯电话对付推销

    13-08-30 英国利兹一位自由从业的商人因饱受各种推销电话的骚扰,于2011年11月花10英镑为自家办理了一个收费声讯号码,拨打这个号码每分钟收费10便士,而他可以从中分得7便士。他表示,到目前为止,这个号码已经为他带来了300英镑的收入,而他每个月接到的推销电话也从之前的二...

  • 智能手机销量首次超过功能手机

    13-08-15 Smartphone sales exceeded feature phone sales for the first time in the April-to-June period, according to research firm Gartner. 市场研究公司高德纳的数据显示,四月至七月智能手机销量首次超过功能手机。 Worldwide mobile phone sales totalled 435 millio...

  • 三星成盈利最高的手机厂商

    13-07-27 Samsung has become the most profitable mobile phone company in the world, overtaking Apple, a report says. 三星取代苹果,成为全球盈利最高的移动电话生产商。 Samsung's handset division had an estimated operating profit of $5.2bn in the second quarter...

  • 巴西酒吧新款酒杯 专治聚会玩手机

    13-06-21 朋友聚会时,大家都忙着玩手机,没人愿意好好聊天?巴西一家酒吧推出了一款专治聚会玩手机现象的啤酒杯,酒杯底部只有一侧有脚,其余部分需要用手机垫着,杯子才不会倒。这样,大家在放下酒杯想要看手机时,只能望机兴叹,转而跟朋友们聊天交流了。 Salve Jorge Bar in...