• 日本移动运营商将推出实时翻译程序

    12-10-27 日本最大的移动运营商NTT Docomo宣布将于11月1日正式推出一款实时移动语音翻译应用程序,可在用户通话时实现日语与英语、中文、韩语之间的翻译转换,之后还将添加法语、德语、意大利语等其他七门语言。 An app offering real-time translations is to allow people in...

  • Jailbreak 越狱

    12-09-18 Jailbreak means to unlock the operating system of a mobile phone or other device so that it can run software which it is not normally authorized to use because of restrictions imposed by the device's manufacturer. 越狱(jailbreak)指对手机或其他移动...

  • 诺基亚新机广告现穿帮镜头

    12-09-08 诺基亚最新发布的Lumia 920广告视频被某技术网站发现穿帮镜头,该镜头显示广告中播放的视频并不是由这款手机拍摄的。随后,诺基亚方面对此致歉,并播放了真正用这款手机拍摄的视频片段。 Nokia has apologized after it emerged that an ad featuring video footage th...

  • 荷兰举行趣味扔手机大赛

    12-08-26 A Finnish teenager has smashed the world record -- and probably his phone -- in this year's annual mobile-phone throwing contest in Finland. 在芬兰举行的年度扔手机大赛中,芬兰一位青少年打破世界纪录夺冠,当然他扔出的手机也粉身碎骨。 Eighteen-year-old...

  • 南非农夫给羊配手机防盗

    12-07-16 南非开普敦郊区的一位农夫为了防止自家农场的羊群被盗,特意给羊配了手机,一旦羊群遭到侵扰开始奔跑,绑在羊颈部的手机就会自动拨通主人的电话,发出警告。 A South African farmer is fielding phone calls from his sheep after equipping them with cell phones to...

  • Dumbphone 非智能手机

    12-07-13 Dumbphone is the opposite of a smart phone. It generally has lower specs than a smart phone in terms of screen size, wireless connectivity, storage space etc. However the critical differentiator is that there is no development environment that allow...

  • Bluejacking 蓝牙劫持

    12-07-03 Bluejacking means temporarily hijacking another person's cell phone by sending it an anonymous text message using the Bluetooth wireless networking system. Bluetooth works over a range of about 10 metres and phones fitted with it can be made to sear...

  • 《我们所知道的生活》一

    12-06-25 影片对白 Holly: Hi. Messer: Holly. Holly: Eric. Messer: Messer. Holly: Messer. Messer: Messer. Yeah, everybody calls me Messer. Holly: Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Messer. Messer: Am I late? Holly: Um, just an hour. But you know, I just fini...

  • 手持设备上的图像显示有失真

    12-06-14 Viewing Facebook and Flickr photos on a smart phone are becoming common practice. But according to a recently published Journal of Vision study, pictures on the small screen often appear distorted(歪曲的) . Vision scientists found that perceptual...

  • 《不求回报》六

    12-06-13 精彩对白 Adam: Hey, Dad. Dad: Hey, kiddo . I had a bad trip on The Drank. Adam: Yeah, I heard. If anybody asks, this is a Seeing Eye dog . Dad: Where's? Adam: She went home. Dad: Right. I really don't like the Little Wayne. Can't understand what he'...