• 引擎故障 澳客机迫降新加坡

    10-11-04 An Australian Airbus A380 superjumbo has made an emergency landing in Singapore after experiencing engine trouble following take-off. 一架澳大利亚A380超巨型空中巴士起飞后因遭遇引擎故障而在新加坡迫降。 After landing the A380 was quickly surrounded by...

  • 委内瑞拉发生客机坠毁事故 15人死亡

    10-09-14 A plane crash in Venezuela has killed 15 people - but 36 passengers have survived the impact, officials say. 委内瑞拉官方宣布,一辆客机在其境内坠毁,15人死亡,36人免遭一难。 The ATR-42 turboprop(涡轮螺旋桨飞机) , belonging to the state airline Con...

  • 两架飞机“差点”于伦敦上空相撞

    10-09-09 A business jet came close to a mid-air collision with a Turkish Airlines passenger plane after taking off from London City Airport, a report has said. 报道称,一架商务喷气机从伦敦城市机场起飞之后差点与一架土耳其航空客机相撞。 The Air Accidents Inves...

  • 民主刚果发生坠机事故 20人死亡

    10-08-26 A plane has crashed in the west of the Democratic Republic of Congo, killing 20 people. 一家飞机坠毁与刚果民主共和国西部地区,20人死亡。 The plane crashed 2km from the airstrip as it attempted to land One person was also critically injured as it cam...

  • 一架载人客机在尼泊尔坠毁

    10-08-24 A passenger plane has crashed into the hills outside Nepal's capital in heavy rain, officials say. Initial reports suggest there are no survivors. 尼泊尔官员称,一架客机因暴雨在首都周边山区坠毁,初步调查显示暂无生还者。 The Dornier plane, carrying 1...

  • 哥伦比亚客机遭雷击坠毁 一人死亡

    10-08-22 A Boeing 737 crash-landed Monday on a Colombian resort island during a lightning storm, scattering passengers across the runway as it split in three, but somehow only one passenger died. 本周一,一架波音737客机在哥伦比亚一个旅游海岛降落时遭遇雷击,...

  • 西伯利亚发生坠机事故 12人死亡

    10-08-03 Twelve people have now died after a passenger plane crashed as it came in to land in northern Siberia on Monday, the Russian authorities have said. 俄罗斯官员表示,本周一一架客机在西伯利亚北部地区降落的时候发生坠机事故,目前已造成12人死亡。 A passen...

  • 一架客机坠毁于巴基斯坦首都

    10-07-28 Reports are coming in that a plane has crashed in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. 报道称,一架飞机坠毁在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡。 Initial information suggests it was flying from Turkey to Islamabad via Karachi with more than 150 people on board. Paki...

  • Love of Lines: Notes for an Apprentice Shingler

    10-07-13 Love of Lines: Notes for an Apprentice Shingler Sara London The injuries are small ones, the blade(叶片,刀片) slips from the cedar(雪松) slat to the kneeling knee, or the plane slides off the shingle's edge and shaves the thumb knuckle(关节)...

  • “有翅膀的汽车”即将出售

    10-07-03 美国马萨诸塞州一家名为Terrafugia(拉丁语意思为:逃离陆地)的公司成功研制出了一款能够在一分钟内从陆地起飞升空的有翅膀的汽车,并将其命名为Transition。日前,这款汽车已被美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)核准为轻型运动飞机,将能合法地在公路上行驶并能在天空飞行,...