• 波音787梦幻客机重新开始服役

    13-04-27 An Ethiopian Airlines 787 Dreamliner has taken off from Addis Ababa, the first commercial flight by the Boeing aircraft since all 787s were grounded in January. 埃塞俄比亚航空公司的一架787梦幻客机已在亚的斯亚贝巴起飞,这是自今年一月波音787禁飞以来的...

  • 刚果民主发生坠机事故 5人丧生

    13-03-05 A plane has crashed in Goma, the main city in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, killing at least five passengers, officials say. 一架飞机在刚果民主共和国东部城市戈马坠毁,造成至少五人丧生。 It came down in the city centre shortly before it was d...

  • 越来越多的波音787被停飞检查

    13-01-17 Boeing's troubled 787 Dreamliner continues to face problems as more global regulators and airlines grounded the plane on safety concerns. 全球越来越多的管理机构与航空公司因安全原因停飞波音公司的787梦幻客机。 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)...

  • 莫斯科一客机冲出跑道 闯入主干道

    12-12-30 A Russian passenger plane has crashed into a main road after overshooting a runway at a Moscow airport, killing at least four people, police say. 俄罗斯莫斯科某机场一架客机冲出跑道闯入一条主干道,造成至少四人死亡。 Reports said there were between ei...

  • 南非一架军用飞机坠毁

    12-12-07 A military plane carrying 11 passengers has crashed in South Africa's mountainous east. 一架承载11人的军用飞机坠毁于南非东部山区。 The plane, which had been travelling from Pretoria to Mthatha, went missing on Wednesday but the initial search was ab...

  • 《绿灯侠》三

    12-11-16 影片对白 Hal: Okay, all right. Place the ring, then speak the oath. The oath. Because everybody knows the oath. Used to sing it in camp. I, Hal Jordan...do solemnly swear...to pledge allegiance ...to a lantern...that I got from a dying purple alien....

  • 美国公司将推出小型商业航天飞机

    12-10-27 A California-based flight firm says its jet can take you from the Big Apple to the Orient in half the amount of time it would take to watch Titanic. 位于加州的XCOR宇航公司表示,他们研发的最新小型航天飞机从纽约到东京只需90分钟,仅相当于观看《泰坦尼克...

  • 叙利亚客机因安全问题在土耳其迫降

    12-10-11 Turkish fighter jets have forced a Syrian passenger plane suspected of carrying weapons to land in Ankara. 土耳其几架战机迫使一架疑载有武器的叙利亚客机降落在安卡拉。 Military communications devices were reportedly confiscated(充公,没收) before th...

  • 苏丹一架军用飞机坠毁 13人遇难

    12-10-08 A Sudanese military plane has crashed outside the capital, Khartoum, killing some 13 people, officials say. 苏丹一架军用飞机在首都喀土穆外围地区坠毁,导致13人死亡。 The Russian-made Antonov was travelling from Khartoum to Fasher in the conflict-rive...

  • 尼泊尔发生坠机事故 19人遇难

    12-09-28 A plane heading for the Everest region has crashed in Nepal's capital, killing all 19 people on board including seven Britons, local officials say. 一架飞往珠穆朗玛峰地区的飞机在尼泊尔首都坠毁,机上19人全部遇难,其中有七名英国人。 The plane, operate...