• 坠机时尾部位置最安全

    12-09-23 Beware first-class travellers! Passengers sitting in the rear of a plane have the best chance of survival in the event of a crash, an extraordinary and costly aviation experiment ever conducted has revealed. 头等舱的乘客要当心了!一项耗资巨大的特别...

  • 英国某郊区“天降”男尸

    12-09-17 A stowaway fell thousands of feet from a plane on to a quiet suburban street after apparently hiding in the landing gear. 英国某条安静的郊区街道近日从数千英尺的高空天降男尸,看起来死者是一名藏在飞机起落架上的偷渡者。 A stowaway fell thousands of fee...

  • 俄航空客机收到炸弹威胁迫降

    12-08-16 A Russian Aeroflot flight from New York to Moscow has made an emergency landing in Iceland after a bomb threat. 俄罗斯航空公司一架从纽约飞往莫斯科的航班因收到炸弹威胁而紧急降落在冰岛。 The Interfax news agency quoted air traffic controllers in Mosco...

  • 英11岁男孩误登飞机未受任何检查

    12-07-28 英国一名11岁男孩周二在没有护照、没有机票、没有登机牌的情况下竟然顺利登上一架从曼彻斯特开往罗马的航班,飞机起飞后因为有乘客生疑才被发现。 An 11-year-old boy boarded a plane from Manchester to Rome on his own without a passport, tickets or boarding pa...

  • 叙利亚总统对击落土耳其战机表示后悔

    12-07-03 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is quoting as saying he regrets 100 per cent a Turkish jet was shot down after entering Syrian airspace. 叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德称,他对土耳其飞机进入叙利亚领空被击落一事感到100%地后悔。 In an interview with Turkey's...

  • 太阳能飞机完成第二次试航

    12-06-06 A solar-powered plane has landed in Morocco after flying from Spain, completing the second leg of its pioneering journey. 一架太阳能飞机从西班牙起飞并降落在摩洛哥,完成了其开创性旅程的第二步。 The carbon-fibre plane is the size of an Airbus A340 but...

  • overshoot 滑出跑道

    12-05-22 There are lots of ways to use the word overshoot . It began as a definition for shooting at a target and missing. Instead of hitting the target, the bullet flew over the target, which led to the word overshoot. Nowadays, it means going past or excee...

  • 印尼发现俄失事飞机坠毁地点

    12-05-10 Indonesian officials say a helicopter has spotted what is thought to be wreckage of the Russian Sukhoi Superjet plane that disappeared on Wednesday. 印度尼西亚官方发表消息称,一架直升机发现了某飞机残骸,该残骸可能是本周三消失的俄罗斯苏霍伊超级喷气式...

  • How do I get the gum out

    12-04-18 Distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. When the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, I'm meeting my wife right away. How do I get the gum out from my ear...

  • 俄罗斯客机坠毁 32人死亡

    12-04-02 A Russian passenger plane carrying 43 people has crashed shortly after take-off in Siberia, officials say. 俄罗斯一架载有43名乘客的客机从西伯利亚起飞后不久便坠毁。 Thirty-two people were killed and 11 survivors have been taken to hospital, Russia's...