• 欧美雾霾的致命性比中国高25倍

    17-02-20 Smog in Europe and North America could be more than 25 times more lethal than the average air pollution found in Chinese cities, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究发现,欧洲和北美的雾霾致命性可能比中国城市平均空气污染水平高出25倍以上。 In the larges...

  • 住在主干道旁可能增加患痴呆的风险

    17-01-15 Living near a main road increases the risk of dementia, the first major research into air pollution and disease has shown. 首项研究空气污染与疾病关系的重要调查发现,住在主干道旁边有可能增加患痴呆的风险。 A decade-long study of 6.6 million people, pu...

  • 印度企业制出百分百降解可食用“塑料袋”

    16-12-26 In an effort to combat plastic pollution, Indian startup EnviGreen has come up with a combination of natural starch and vegetable oils that looks and feels just like plastic, but is 100 percent organic, biodegradable and eco-friendly. You can even d...

  • 北京将启用新的污染应急响应机制

    16-12-15 A new pollution emergency response mechanism is being launched in Beijing, replacing the current version. 北京将启用一项新的污染应急响应机制,用于代替现行方案。 It will mean more vehicles being taken off the roads when orange or red level alerts are...

  • 联合国:每年约有60万儿童死于空气污染

    16-11-15 UNICEF is calling on world leaders to reduce air pollution, saying it leads to the deaths of more children yearly than malaria and HIV/AIDS combined. 联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)呼吁各国领导人减少空气污染,该组织称每年死于空气污染的儿童比死于疟疾和艾...

  • 脑洞大开的新产品 罐装北京空气

    16-11-05 Many Beijing residents go to great lengths to avoid breathing the citys smoggy air, especially when it reaches critical pollution levels, but one local entrepreneur decided that canning and selling this poor quality air as a souvenir would be a grea...

  • 新德里推手机应用举报空气污染

    16-11-04 Indias capital, laboring under the label of being the worlds most polluted city, is trying something new to help clean up its air. 深受世界上污染最严重的城市这一头衔困扰的印度首都新德里,最近出台新举措净化空气质量。 A smartphone application that all...

  • 利用五大湖鳄龟检测湿地污染程度

    16-06-10 Decades of unregulated industrial waste dumping in areas of the Great Lakes have created a host of environmental and wildlife problems. Now it appears that Lake Michigan painted and snapping turtles could be a useful source for measuring the resulti...

  • 中国将着手治理土壤污染

    16-06-01 A plan for tackling soil pollution in China has been unveiled. 中国公布一项治理土壤污染的计划。 It aims at curbing the problem by 2020, controlling it by 2030, and forming a so-called virtuous cycle in the ecosystem by 2050. According to the latest...

  • 联合国报告:每年700万人因空气污染死亡

    16-05-25 As global air quality declines, threatening to add to the seven million people air pollution kills each year, according to reports released on Tuesday at the second United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2) in Nairobi. 本周二在内罗毕举行的第二届...