• 老弱病残孕

    22-03-22 首先,这里有个political correctness(政治正确性)的问题,也就是在你的语言中不要出现歧视性的字眼: 老,即老人,不要说the old(老人),old 是一个非常尖锐的,让人听上去不是很舒服的词,最好使用the elderly,上了年纪的人。 弱,即身体虚弱者,不要说the weak...

  • 接种新冠疫苗不会影响受孕几率

    22-01-24 波士顿大学的一项研究显示,接种新冠疫苗不会影响一对夫妇的受孕几率,但是感染新冠病毒可能会损害男性的生育能力。研究人员对2000多对夫妇进行了研究得出此结论。该研究驳斥了关于疫苗的普遍误解,并向拒绝接种疫苗的男性发出提醒。 Getting vaccinated against Covid...

  • 美疾控中心建议孕妇接种疫苗

    21-10-01 过去一个月,美国死于新冠肺炎的孕妇人数创下历史新高。为此美国疾控中心发出紧急警告,建议孕妇、准孕妇和产妇都去接种新冠疫苗,以保护他人和胎儿的健康。 Amidst an uptick in the number of pregnant people dying from COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control...

  • Lady Gaga澄清怀孕谣言

    19-03-14 Lady Gaga took to social media on Tuesday to shut down the rumors that she is pregnant. Lady Gaga周二在社交媒体上澄清了怀孕的谣言。 In a tweet that sent shock waves through her audience of fans, the Grammy and Oscar-winning performer indicated that...

  • 大量吃水果有助于怀孕

    18-05-13 Eating plenty of fruit could help women conceive, a new study suggests. 一项新研究显示,女性吃大量水果有助于怀孕。 Researchers who looked at more than 5,500 women from Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand found those who consumed the least fr...

  • 福原爱宣布已怀孕

    17-06-30 Japanese table tennis star Ai Fukuhara said on Thursday that she is pregnant and expecting to have a baby this fall. 日本乒坛明星福原爱周四表示,她现在已怀孕,孩子将于今年秋天出生。 The 28-year-old star, who married Chiang Hung-chieh, a table tennis...

  • baby hunger 要娃狂

    17-02-23 Baby hunger is the strong desire to have a baby, especially amongst older, professional women. 要娃狂指的是想要生娃的强烈愿望,特别是在较为年长的职业女性中间。 It has been estimated that one of six American couples will face difficulty getting pregn...

  • 怀孕对女性大脑有持续性影响

    16-12-20 Growing a human being is no small feat -- just ask any newly pregnant woman. Her hormones surge as her body undergoes a massive physical transformation, and the changes dont end there. A study published Monday in Nature Neuroscience reveals that dur...

  • Childbirth Pain

    16-08-23 A woman goes to her doctor who verifies that she is pregnant. This is her first pregnancy. The doctor asks her if she has any questions. She replies, Well, Im a little worried about the pain. How much will childbirth hurt? The doctor answered, Well,...

  • 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿发文怒斥怀孕传闻

    16-07-17 Jennifer Aniston has published a lengthy essay in which she lambasts the media for the recent pregnancy rumours about her. 詹妮弗安妮斯顿日前发布了一篇长文,怒斥最近媒体上有关她的怀孕传闻。 The star writes: For the record, I am not pregnant. What I...