• 韩国地铁为孕妇专座装粉色警示灯

    16-06-17 Before they show a baby bump, some pregnant women in South Korea can expect accusing glares when they take subway seats meant for pregnant, disabled or elderly passengers. 在韩国,尚未显怀的孕妇在地铁如果坐弱势人群关怀座位,总会遭到白眼。 One South...

  • 米兰的准妈妈们可获公交“求让座”徽章

    16-03-25 Mothers-to-be in the Italian city of Milan can get badges asking for a seat on public transport. 意大利城市米兰的准妈妈们可以获得一枚在公共交通上求让座的徽章。 While badges for pregnant women on public transport are nothing new, the Milanese approac...

  • 越来越多的女星为保持身形代孕宝宝

    15-11-15 Now a fertility doctor has shed a controversial new light on the subject by suggesting they may not have been pregnant in the first place. 近期一位不孕不育科医生爆料称有些女星可能根本就没有怀孕。 Los Angeles-based Dr Vicken Sahakian, who works at th...

  • “一孕傻三年”根本不存在

    15-04-19 Mothers-to-be who are feeling forgetful and a bit slow on the uptake may blame it on 'baby brain'. 有句流传已久的社会俗语,叫一孕傻三年,准妈妈常常对此深信不疑。她们感觉自己怀孕后变得健忘,反应也变迟钝了。 But in reality this doesn't exist, scientis...

  • 柏林65岁女性怀上四胞胎

    15-04-19 A 65-year-old Berlin woman who already has 13 children is pregnant again with quadruplets, Germany's RTL broadcaster reported on Sunday. 4月12日,据德国RTL电视台报道,柏林一名65岁的女性怀上了四胞胎,而此前她已经孕育了13名孩子。 The Russian and Engli...

  • A Pregnant Woman And A Lightbulb

    15-04-15 Q: What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb? A: You can unscrew a light bulb!...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 26

    15-04-02 Ah! said Severino, I've never enjoyed a finer spectacle: behold, good friends, see the state it puts me in; it is really unbelievable, what feminine anguish obtains from me. Let's go back to work, quoth Clement, and in order to teach her to bellow a...

  • 英准妈妈们上传B超照片猜宝宝性别

    14-12-31 Pregnant women are taking the selfie craze to a new level by posting pictures of their 12-week scan online for friends to predict the sex. 英国准妈妈们让自拍热潮上升到了一个新高度,她们纷纷将自己怀孕12周的B超扫描照片发布到网上,让网友们猜测宝宝的性...

  • 英国25岁母亲怀孕期间想吃厕纸

    14-12-14 Some women crave pickles when pregnant, but that's when Jade Sylvester developed a taste for toilet paper. 一些女性在怀孕期间想吃泡菜,但是杰德西尔维斯特在怀孕期间却想吃厕纸。 The 25-year-old mother from Gainsborough, UK, has five children, but deve...

  • 2015年4月凯特王妃将迎来第二个孩子

    14-10-24 英国肯辛顿宫的发言人今天确认,凯特王妃和威廉王子预计将于明年4月迎来他们的第二个孩子。 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be welcoming their second baby in April 2015, Kensington Palace has confirmed. Kate's pregnancy was announced last month but...