• 《兔子洞》一

    12-06-06 影片对白 Gabby: How's it going? Howie: Good, good, good. Hanging in there . Gabby: You sure? Becca: Hmm. Howie: Yeah. Hey, Kevin. Kevin: Hi, Howie. Howie: Hi. We um, we just...we found out that Becca's sister is pregnant. So... Becca: Howie, hey. Ho...

  • DINK exit clan 悔丁族

    12-04-05 DINK exit clan are those who opt out of their earlier decision for a DINK (dual income no kids) family and decide to start a family. However, as many of them are well beyond their prime reproductive age, getting pregnant can be really painful. 悔丁...

  • 职场孕妇仍受到不公正待遇

    12-02-18 More than three decades after Congress passed a law trying to protect pregnant women in the workplace, discrimination is still widespread and needs to be combated with publicity and clearer guidelines, according to testimony Wednesday at a federal h...

  • 孕妇体重会影响胎儿体重

    11-12-14 A new study published in the journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS) reveals that both pre-pregnant weight (body mass index, BMI) and weight gain in pregnancy are important predictors of babies' birthweight. This is important si...

  • 孕妇盐摄入量影响胎儿肾发育

    11-07-07 A new animal study from Europe has drawn an association between pregnant mothers' sodium(钠) intake and their newborn's kidney development. Among the most significant aspects of the study's findings is that either too much or too little salt durin...

  • 胎传性梅毒检验能降低婴儿死亡率

    11-06-17 Hundreds of thousands of babies' lives could be saved each year if pregnant women were screened for syphilis, researchers say. 研究人员称,如果孕妇能接受梅毒检查,每年将有数十万婴儿的生命获拯救。 Syphilis is caused by sexually transmitted bacteria k...

  • 肥胖的孕妇抵抗感染的能力较弱

    11-05-02 Pregnant women who are obese are less able to fight infections than lean women, which could affect their baby's health after birth and later in life, according to research to be presented Sunday, May 1, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annu...

  • 孕妇接触双酚A将增加婴儿哮喘危险

    11-05-02 If a pregnant woman is exposed to bisphenol A (BPA), especially during the first trimester(三个月) , her child may be at higher risk of wheezing(哮喘) early in life, according to a study to be presented Sunday, May 1, at the Pediatric Academic S...

  • 法国第一夫人布吕尼可能怀孕

    11-04-29 The Elysee Palace on Sunday fuelled rife speculation in France that Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the first lady, has fallen pregnant with a long-expected first child by the French leader. 法国爱丽舍宫上周日传出喜讯,第一夫人卡拉布吕尼-萨科奇可能已经怀孕,这...

  • 补铁剂并不能使孕妇显著受益

    11-03-14 Although universal prenatal supplementation with iron is recommended, an extra intake of iron does not noticeably benefit pregnant women, except when they are anemic(贫血的) . This was observed by researchers of the Institute of Tropical Medicine...