• 金正恩妻子可能怀上二胎

    14-03-02 据报道,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩的妻子近日出现在公众视线中,穿着和她在2012年底生下第一个女儿前所穿的差不多的孕妇装,引发公众猜测她是不是怀上了二胎。 The wife of Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, has appeared in public wearing what appears to be the...

  • 加拿大妇女伪装成孕妇走私毒品

    13-09-13 A Canadian national has been arrested in Colombia after trying to board a flight to Toronto with a phony pregnant belly stuffed with cocaine, police say. 一名加拿大妇女企图携带毒品登机时被哥伦比亚警方逮捕,特别之处在于,这位妇女怀孕的腹部是乳胶伪造...

  • 凯特王妃产后首次公开露面

    13-09-08 Usually when the Duchess of Cambridge steps out in recycled outfits, women across the country look on with admiration and think, 'maybe she is like us after all'. 英国王妃、剑桥公爵夫人凯特29日出席了安格尔西岛马拉松开赛仪式,这是她自7月23日抱着乔治...

  • 社会传言影响女性对怀孕的预期

    13-08-11 Morning sickness(早孕反应) , shiny hair, and bizarre and intense cravings for pickles(咸菜) and ice cream -- what expectations do pregnant women impose on their bodies, and how are those expectations influenced by cultural perspectives on pregna...

  • 苏格兰孕妇吸烟率高达20%

    13-06-11 More pregnant woman are trying to give up smoking, according to the Scottish government. 据英国BBC6月2日报道:苏格兰公共医疗机构预计,几乎有20%的女性在妊娠期间继续吸烟。 Official figures suggested the number of quit attempts rose last year by about...

  • 怀孕会永久改变足部大小

    13-03-04 A new University of Iowa study confirms what many women have long suspected -- that pregnancy permanently changes the size and shape of a woman's feet. Flat feet are a common problem for pregnant women. The arch(拱形) of the foot flattens out, pos...

  • 洛杉矶将关停私营非法“月子旅馆”

    13-02-03 美国加利福尼亚州大洛杉矶郡郡长日前表示要对当地的私营月子旅馆采取打击行动,并最终关停所有非法运营的月子旅馆。 A Los Angeles official moved on Tuesday to crack down on so-called maternity hotels he said have sprung up across parts of Southern Californ...

  • 一位英国女兵在阿富汗产男婴

    12-09-20 A British servicewoman has given birth to a baby boy in Afghanistan having not realised she was pregnant. 一位英国女军人在阿富汗产下一名男婴,之前她并不知道自己已经怀孕。 Mother and baby are both in a stable condition, said the Ministry of Defence,...

  • 东京动物园出生的大熊猫幼仔死亡

    12-07-11 A baby giant panda born at a zoo in Tokyo last week has died, probably from pneumonia, zookeepers have said. 上周在东京某动物园出生的大熊猫幼仔已经死亡,饲养员称可能是死于肺炎。 Shin Shin with her baby just days after keepers realised she was pregna...

  • 怀孕初期少量饮酒不会影响胎儿发育

    12-06-20 Drinking a low or moderate level of alcohol in early pregnancy is not linked to developmental problems in five-years-olds, researchers say. 研究人员称,怀孕初期少量或适度饮酒不会对孩子五岁之前的健康问题有影响。 The Danish research, published in the...