• 中国政府将鼓励私人投资

    16-06-30 The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang urged governments at all levels to implement a series of measures to encourage private investment in the country and unleash business potential in the private sector, at a State Council executive meeting on June 22. 6...

  • private equity investment 私募股权投资

    16-04-28 Chinas private equity investment surged to a record high last year as investors pursued high-growth opportunities in technology, PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report yesterday. 3日,普华永道在一份报告中指出,中国2015年私募股权投资创历史新高,不少...

  • buyout offer 私有化要约

    15-07-13 Qihoo 360 Technology, operator of China's second-biggest search engine, received a buyout offer from investors, including its CEO and Chairman Zhou Hongyi, adding to a record number of US-listed Chinese firms going private. 中国第二大搜索引擎运营商...

  • 2014年全球百万富翁掌控世界41%私人财富

    15-06-28 Millionaires worldwide held 41% of the world's private wealth in 2014, up slightly from the year before, according to the Global Wealth 2015 report from Boston Consulting Group. And millionaires will hold 46% of total wealth by 2019, the report says...

  • 老板使用社交媒体比员工多

    14-07-01 The research shows that managers hold more negative attitudes to private use of social media at work than subordinates. About 11,000 Norwegian employees participated in the researchers' study Predictors of Use of Social Network Sites at Work. It is...

  • 全球私人财产飙升至152万亿

    14-06-10 The amount of private wealth held by households globally surged more than 14% to $152 trillion last year, boosted mainly by rising stock markets. 2013年全球家庭所持有的私人财产飙升超过14%,达到152万亿美元,其中主要的增长来自于股市上涨。 Asia-Pacific...

  • The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman 10

    14-05-22 She then returned to her private apartments, where she told the Princess Haiatelnefous all that had happened, as well as her plans for the future, and begged her assistance, which her friend readily promised. Next morning she ordered the prince to b...

  • For the Birds

    14-05-19 For the Birds Cathryn Essinger At the farmer's market the grocer has decided to give me a Bible lesson as I fumble for(摸索,瞎摸) my wallet to purchase a squash. This one is called the Crown of Thorns, he says, to remind us of the cross, and here...

  • high-handed posture 高压态势

    14-03-28 The Party vowed on Wednesday to fight corruption firmly and to maintain its high-handed posture in the next five years. 党中央周三表示将坚决打击腐败,在今后五年保持反腐高压态势。 高压态势就是high-handed posture,这意味着政府将采取high-handed measure...

  • government cars used for private purpose 公车私用

    14-03-11 Government cars used for private purpose and reimbursement of private car expenses are listed as the most common forms of corruption in use of government vehicles by those surveyed by China Youth Daily. 《中国青年报》的调查显示,公车私用和私车消费公...