• 中国将鼓励民营投资

    18-10-15 Chinese authority has intensified efforts to encourage private sectors to participate in infrastructure investment in seek of healthy economic growth. 中国政府已加大对私营企业参与基础设施投资的鼓励以寻求健康的积极增长。 By the end of September, at l...

  • 中国私企发射亚轨道火箭

    18-09-06 A Chinese private company sent a suborbital rocket into space at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. 周三下午1点钟,中国一家民营企业在酒泉卫星发射中心将一颗亚轨道火箭送入太空。 The SQX-1Z was developed by...

  • 中国民企成功发射卫星

    18-09-05 The Beijing-based private company i-Space used its own carrier rocket to place three satellites into space on Wednesday, marking Chinas first satellite launch by a privately built rocket. 本周三,北京一家民营企业i-Space用自主设计的火箭将三颗卫星送入...

  • 中国民企500强 华为居榜首

    18-08-29 China on Wednesday unveiled its latest ranking for 500 largest private enterprises, with telecom equipment giant Huawei and e-commerce firm Suning atop the list. 本周三,中国公布最新民营企业500强,电讯设备巨头华为和电商企业苏宁位居榜首。 The list by...

  • 中国私家车已达1.7亿辆

    18-05-28 Motor vehicle ownership in China has reached over 310 million in 2017, with a net increase of 15 million compared to 2016, according to the 2017 China White Paper on Parking Industry Development. 《2017中国停车行业发展白皮书》显示,2017年中国机动车...

  • 中国首枚民营自主研发火箭将发射

    18-05-16 Chinas first privately-developed rocket is set to be launched on Thursday from a test field in northwest China, China National Radio reports. 中央人民广播电台报道,中国首枚民营自主研发火箭将于周四在西北某试验场发射。 Chinese private space firm OneSp...

  • 中国将通过公私合作改善旅游业

    18-04-30 China will improve services for tourists through public-private partnerships (PPP), according to a guideline released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Finance (MOF). 中国文化和旅游部以及财政部公布的一份指导方针指出,中国将...

  • 报告:私立高校日益重要

    17-10-19 China had 417 private undergraduate universities as of May 2016, accounting for more than 30 percent of all undergraduate universities, according to a report released by the Ministry of Education. 教育部公布的一份报告显示,截止2016年5月,中国已有417...

  • 中国撤销重点研究项目准入条件

    17-06-06 China will lift restrictions on the participation in research programs, announced a senior science official on Monday. 某政府高级官员周一表示,中国将撤销对研究项目的准入条件。 We hope private firms will join key research plans [and support] research...

  • 2016上半年中国民间投资显著下降

    16-07-19 Latest official data show investment by private businesses in China grew by 2.8 percent year on year through the first six months of this year in an all-time low. 最新官方数据显示,2016年上半年中国私营企业投资年同比增长2.8%,达历史最低点。 Private i...