• tax exemption 免税

    16-05-25 China waves goodbye to the tax exemption for online retail imported goods after April 8. 4月8日起,中国在线零售进口商品将告别免税时代。 4月8日以前,个人自用、合理数量的跨境电子商务零售进口商品只按照邮递物品征收行邮税(personal postal articles tax)...

  • omnichannel 全渠道的

    15-11-18 The adjective omnichannel is used to refer to a type of retail which integrates the different methods of shopping available to consumers, e.g. online, in a physical shop, or by phone. Omnichannel(全渠道的)是形容词,指一种综合了多种顾客购物手段的零...

  • Clicks-and-mortar 线上线下相结合

    15-02-15 Clicks-and-mortar describes a business model that combines online e-commerce with physical retail outlets. 线上线下相结合指的是将网店和实体零售店相结合的一种经营模式。 With the 'click-and-mortar' grocers, stores that have both a local presence and o...

  • 2014中国零售销售额增长12%

    15-01-20 China's retail sales rose 12 percent year on year in 2014 to 26.24 trillion yuan (4.28 trillion U.S. dollars), the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. 中国国家统计局周二宣布,2014年中国零售业销售额增长12%,达到26.24万亿元人民币。 Retail s...

  • 中国石化出售30%零售业务股份

    14-09-15 China's largest refiner Sinopec has struck a deal with 25 local and foreign investors, to sell a 30% stake in its retail arm. 中国最大的炼油企业中国石化与25家当地和外国投资者达成协议,出售其零售业务30%的股份。 The retail unit will be issuing new sha...

  • pop-up retail 快闪商店”

    14-02-25 Pop-up retail , also known as pop-up store/shop or flash retailing, is a trend of opening short-term sales spaces popular in America and Europe. 快闪商店(英文表达为pop-up retail或pop-up store/shop或flash retailing)是在短时间内开张的一种商店,在欧...

  • 市场准入词汇

    14-01-24 market entry 市场准入 long-term competitors 长期竞争对手 franchise ①n.authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a certain area特许经营权:特许给个人在特定的领土内销售商品或提供服务的权利 ②vt.to grant a...

  • 购物能缓解死亡恐惧

    13-10-06 It has long been hailed as the ultimate way to let off steam by some members of the fairer sex. Now, U.S. scientists have discovered that not only does retail therapy exist, but that it could be caused by an individual's fear of sudden death. 女性喜...

  • 美国司法部起诉苹果

    12-04-12 Technology giant Apple and major book publishers are being sued by the US Department of Justice over the pricing of e-books. 技术巨头苹果公司和几大图书出版社因电子书价格问题被美国司法部起诉。 The US accuses Apple and Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmill...

  • retail therapy 购物疗法

    11-08-10 Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood or disposition. Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy a...