• Hit the road. 上路咯。

    22-07-25 Hit the road. 上路咯。 【影视实例】《绝望主妇》 Betty: If there was ever a time to be neighborly, this is it. Matthew: Were idiots for staying here. I mean we should have hit the road as soon as they found Monroes body. 适用情况:发动汽车引擎准备出...

  • 俄罗斯公司用草莓味柏油材料铺设一段道路

    22-07-08 很多人路过正在施工的柏油马路时都会加快脚步,因为受不了那种难闻的气味。不过以后你可能不必再忍受了。近日俄罗斯一家公司试验用草莓味柏油材料铺设了一段道路,这种柏油路不但不难闻,还有甜甜的草莓味。 A company in Russias Leningrad region recently laid a sm...

  • 在学校学不到的道别俚语

    22-07-06 1. Peace (Out) 几年前这种道别方式很流行,现在在某些圈子里仍然很常见。在这里,Peace已经动词化(我要消失了。再见!),说的时候通常还伸出两根手指比V字型和平手势。它是有些半嘻哈的非正式告别方式,所以千万不要在商务会议中用哦。 2. Im out of here Im ouda h...

  • 与road相关的英文习语

    22-05-24 1. take to the road / hit the road 出发,动身 After a short visit, they took to the road again. 短暂的参观后,他们再次上路了。 2. rocky road 障碍重重的道路;重重困难 Yellen predicts a rocky road ahead for the economy. 耶伦预言经济会面临重重困难。 3....

  • 什么是“路怒症”?

    22-02-22 开车有时会让人紧张,尤其是遇到蛮不讲理、不守规则的司机时,可能会让人情绪失控,甚至大发雷霆。强行超车、跟车过近、言语粗鲁你遇到过鲁莽的驾驶行为吗?造成司机之间大动肝火的主要原因有哪些? We all know driving can be stressful. One minute youre minding y...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 14 Mind Over Matter

    22-01-21 He could drive well, when he kept the speed reasonable, I had to admit. Like so many things, it seemed to be effortless to him. He barely lookedat the road, yet the tires never deviated so much as a centimeter fromthe center of the lane. He drove on...

  • 与“跑步”相关的表达

    21-10-02 每年的六月六日被定为全球跑步日。跑步作为一种简单、健康的运动已经成为很多人生活中不可缺少的锻炼方式。做下面的《英语小测验》,测试你的跑步词汇。 1. A running race of 26.2 miles (42.2 km) is called a(n) ______. a) Iron man b) biathlon c) sprint d) mara...

  • 河南出现持续性强降水天气

    21-07-21 7月17日以来,河南出现持续性强降水天气,全省大部出现暴雨、大暴雨,强降水主要集中在西部、北部和中部地区,郑州、焦作、新乡等10地市出现特大暴雨。 A total of 12 people have been killed in the torrential rains in the downtown area of Zhengzhou, the provin...

  • 英国试行共享电动滑板车计划

    21-07-05 Joyriders on rental e-scooters put themselves in danger but they also put others at risk. Theyre a threat to pedestrians and to other road users and the scooters themselves get in the way. Elaine Maries knows the risks. Shes partially sighted and re...

  • get the show on the road 开始行动

    21-07-05 短语 get the show on the road 或 get this show on the road 的意思是 开始行动,开始做一直在准备的事情。 例句 I think the presentation is ready, so lets get the show on the road and call a meeting. 我想演讲报告已经准备好了,那我们开始行动,开个会吧。...