• 冰锥上的波纹是因为盐的作用

    13-10-10 Though it's barely the beginning of autumn, scientists at the University of Toronto are one step closer to explaining why winter's icicles(冰锥) form with Michelin Man-like ripples on their elongated(瘦长的) shapes. Experimental physicist Stephe...

  • 多摄入钾可降低中风危险

    13-04-07 Increasing potassium in our diets as well as cutting down on salt will reduce blood pressure levels and the risk of stroke, research in the British Medical Journal suggests. 英国医学杂志建议,日常饮食中增加钾同时减少盐摄入量将降低血压、减少中风危险...

  • 少吃咸食能降低患胃癌风险

    12-07-23 Cutting back on salty foods such as bacon, bread and breakfast cereals may reduce people's risk of developing stomach cancer, according to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). 世界癌症研究基金会称,减少食用诸如咸肉、面包、谷物早餐之类的咸味食品能...

  • 利用量子力学控制材料磁性

    12-06-18 Scientists have managed to switch on and off the magnetism of a new material using quantum mechanics, making the material a test bed for future quantum devices. The international team of researchers led from the Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM...

  • Spilling Salt

    12-06-14 We do not know when man first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout history. Historical evidence shows, for example, that people who lived over 3,000 years ago ate salted fish. Thousands of years a...

  • Beggar's Cup

    11-05-26 Beggar's Cup Jack Myers I'm slowing down now, imperceptibly(细微地) , it seems, like a river spreading itself out into a delta(三角洲) where the minute metallic taste of salt, like paradox(悖论) blooming in the darkness, takes me out. I can se...

  • Salty Coffee

    10-12-02 He met her at a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised but due to being polite, she promise...

  • Salty Coffee 咸咖啡

    10-07-14 He met her at a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised but due to being polite, she promise...

  • 某些人对盐的口感与大众相异

    10-06-17 Low-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others, according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist. The research indicates that genetics influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we li...

  • 西地中海水温与含盐度正在上涨

    10-05-24 Spanish scientists have analysed the temperature and salt levels of the Western Mediterranean Sea between 1943 and 2000 to study the evolution of each variable. Their research shows that, since at least the 1940s, the deep water has become progressi...