• 奥巴马会见中东领导人

    11-09-21 US President Barack Obama will urge his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas to drop a bid for UN recognition of statehood later on Wednesday. 本周三晚些时候,美国总统奥巴马将敦促巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯放弃联合国承认其国家地位的要求。 Mr Obama wants a r...

  • 北约高层领导将进入利比亚举行会谈

    11-09-15 Senior Nato leaders including French President Nicolas Sarkozy are expected in Libya for their first talks since Col Muammar Gaddafi was ousted. 利比亚前总统卡扎菲被驱逐之后,包括法国总统萨科奇在内的多位北约高级首脑将进入利比亚进行首次会谈。 They wi...

  • 朝鲜欲重启六方会谈

    11-03-15 North Korea has told Russia's deputy foreign minister Alexei Borodavkin that it is ready to discuss its nuclear enrichment plans at six-party talks. 朝鲜政府向俄罗斯外交部副部长波洛达夫金透漏,朝鲜已准备在六方会谈中讨论核浓缩计划。 The issue is one...

  • 塞尔维亚与科索沃将举行首次“独立后”会谈

    11-03-08 Serbia and Kosovo are due to hold their first high-level talks since Pristina declared independence three years ago. 自普里斯提纳宣布独立起三年之后,塞尔维亚与科索沃将举行首次高层会谈。 Kosovo's declaration of independence is rejected by Serbia, but...

  • 伊朗将与欧盟举行核计划会谈

    10-12-01 Iran has agreed to hold talks on its controversial nuclear programme, the European Union has said. 欧盟表示,伊朗已经同意就充满争议的核计划举行会谈。 Iran's nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili is to travel to Geneva for the talks The talks are to take p...

  • 联合国将召开会议讨论西撒哈拉未来

    10-11-03 A new round of talks on the Western Sahara will aim to break an impasse over the future of the disputed North African territory, the UN says. 联合国发言人称,联合国将要召开新一轮西撒哈拉会议,该会议旨在打破存有争议的北非领土未来的僵局。 The meeting...

  • 朝鲜与美国就战舰沉没事件举行会谈

    10-07-15 North Korean officials have held a rare meeting with members of the American-led United Nations Command. 朝鲜官员与以美国为首的联合国司令部举行了一场罕见的会谈。 The talks were to discuss the sinking of a South Korean warship in March, which Seoul h...

  • 英国航空与工会就罢工问题举行会谈

    10-06-01 British Airways and the Unite union are to hold fresh talks on Tuesday as cabin crew workers stage their third day of strike action. 英国航空公司与联合工会将于本周二就航班空服人员为期三天的罢工行动举行新一轮会谈。 The union has warned of the possibi...

  • 朝鲜愿重回六方会谈

    10-05-07 North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is committed to ending the North's nuclear programme, Chinese state media says. 中国新华社报道,朝鲜领导人金正日愿意停止核试验。 It was Kim Jong-il's fifth to China since succeeding his father in 1994 Mr Kim's secreti...

  • 阿富汗与塔利班和谈取得进展

    10-01-29 Plans to engage the Taliban in talks have gathered pace, with Afghanistan inviting members to a peace council and reports of a secret UN meeting. 阿富汗邀请成员参加和平理事会以及一个联合国秘密会议的报道,显示与塔利班进行和平谈判的计划取得初步进展。...