• tech-free tourism 零科技旅游

    15-05-11 Tech-free tourism refers to travelling without a mobile phone or similar devices, particularly to places that block or cannot access Internet and cellular signals. 零科技旅游指不带手机等通讯设备去旅行,尤其是到屏蔽或没有互联网和手机信号的地方旅游。...

  • 43%中国女性曾独自旅行

    15-05-02 The world's largest travel website, TripAdvisor, released a survey on female travel on April 9. It revealed that 43 percent of Chinese women have holidayed alone, slightly higher than the global average of 41 percent. 全球最大的旅游网站TripAdvisor于...

  • 春运火车票退票将收手续费

    15-01-21 Service fees will be charged from today for train ticket refunds during the Chinese Spring Festival travel period, which starts from February 4 to March 16 this year, according to the Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,春运期间的火车票退票将从...

  • 携程第三季度净利润缩水40%

    14-11-27 Chinese online travel booking website Ctrip.com has seen its net profit shrink some 40-percent in the third quarter. 中国在线旅游订票网站携程旅行网第三季度净利润缩水40%。 The company says this is because of higher expenses for marketing, along with...

  • 乞力马扎罗山普通登山者健康风险大

    14-10-18 Climbers scaling Mount Kilimanjaro are taking unnecessary risks with their health, experts have warned. 一些专家曾警告称,乞力马扎罗山的登山者们对自己的健康承担着不必要的风险。 Travel firms have seen an increase in bookings following the successful...

  • Touring around the World

    14-10-13 It is a strange thing that the sea voyages was there nothing to be seen but the sky see men should make diaries. But in a land travel, was there so much to observe. For the most part, they omitted as a chance or a feature to be registered than obser...

  • Story of the Three Calenders - 5

    14-07-23 Persecuted by ill-fortune, and stricken with grief, there seemed to be only one means of safety left to me. I shaved my beard and my eyebrows, and put on the dress of a calender, in which it was easy for me to travel without being known. I avoided t...

  • 论旅行

    14-06-30 Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience. He that travelleth into a country, before he hath some entrance into the language, goeth to school, and not to travel. That young men travel under some tutor, o...

  • 美国25岁女孩带离世父亲人像一起旅游

    14-06-21 美国一位25岁的华裔女孩吉娜杨两年前失去了父亲,为了完成父亲生前憧憬的旅行,她用父亲的照片做了一个一比一大小的纸板人像,然后带着这个纸板老爸到欧洲旅行。 A woman whose father died before he could fulfill his travel dreams has paid tribute to him by mak...

  • 日本旅行社让玩偶代人踏上旅程

    14-06-13 如果你因为生病或其他原因无法外出旅行,日本的Unagi旅行社可以让你最喜爱的玩偶代你踏上冒险的旅程。玩偶旅行一次价格在35美元到55美元之间,包括回程的船票以及纪念照的费用。 Like most travelers posting photographs on Facebook, their faces are pressed up to...