• paywall 收费墙

    13-10-19 A paywall is a system that prevents Internet users from accessing webpage content without a paid subscription. Paywall(收费墙)指阻止非付费订阅用户看到网页内容的一个屏蔽系统。 There are both hard and soft paywalls in use. Hard paywalls allow minima...

  • nomophobia 无手机焦虑症

    13-09-12 Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The term, an abbreviation for no-mobile-phone phobia, was coined during a study by the UK Post Office who commissioned YouGov, a UK-based research organization to look at anxieties suffere...

  • comment-gating 回复屏蔽门

    13-08-07 Like-gating refers to the practice of blocking users from certain content on a Facebook page unless they first like the Facebook page. Like-gating指Facebook等社交网站用户要求浏览自己页面的用户需先点喜欢才能查看页面内的某些内容,我们可称之为喜欢屏蔽...

  • Twitter的未来发展趋势

    13-07-26 New research from scholars at Columbia Business School and the University of Pittsburgh questions the sustainability of Twitter, the social network that has more than 500 million registered users. Columbia Business School Professor Olivier Toubia ha...

  • Ratters 网络摄像头黑客

    13-06-15 Ratters are computer attackers who use Remote Access Tools (R.A.T.s) to activate the webcams of compromised computers and record video of unsuspecting users. They call the owners of these infected computers slaves, and compromising videos, especiall...

  • 浏览社交网站历史记录可使人振奋

    13-03-24 Looking at old photographs of yourself on Facebook can boost your mood - and be as soothing as a walk in the park, a new study found. 最新研究显示,浏览Facebook上的旧照片可以使情绪振奋,就如同在公园散步一样让人感到慰藉。 Researchers found users typi...

  • YouTube固定用户突破10亿

    13-03-22 YouTube, the video sharing site owned by Google, has announced it has passed one billion regular users. YouTube谷歌旗下的视频分享网站,固定用户已超过10亿。 Announcing the milestone on its blog, the site said a recent growth in smartphones had helped...

  • Facebook让忠实用户幸福感下降

    12-04-14 Facebook is a habit-forming activity - but users who spend a lot of time on the site say they feel less happy with their lives. Facebook是一种易上瘾的活动,然而花大量时间上该网站的用户称他们感到生活没有以前幸福了。 University of Gothenburg researche...

  • 魅力指数相似的人互相吸引

    11-07-17 When it comes to love, there are no hard and fast rules though many people follow the age-old theory that opposites attract. 虽然许多人都遵循相异相吸这一老话,但情场上其实并没有铁的法则。 But now a study has found that more often that not, similarit...

  • 英国半数人口在用Facebook

    11-03-12 Facebook is now used by 30 million people in the UK, approximately half the population, it said today. Facebook今天宣称,英国现在有三千万人在使用Facebook,约占总人口的一半。 Joanna Shields, vice president of Facebook Europe, made the announcement th...