• 大幅减肥可以减少心房颤动

    15-03-17 Obese patients with atrial fibrillation who lost at least 10 percent of their body weight were six times more likely to achieve long-term freedom from this common heart rhythm disorder compared to those who did not lose weight, according to a study...

  • 美国科学家研发虚拟食物药丸帮助减肥

    15-01-11 A drug dubbed an 'imaginary meal in a pill' is being developed by scientists. 美国科学家正在研发一种装有虚拟食物的药丸。 The pill tricks the body into thinking it has consumed a large amount of calories - as if you have just eaten a substantial meal...

  • 爱人的支持对女性维持体重有所帮助

    14-12-27 Telling someone should lose a few lbs - even if you're just trying to help - could actually cause them to gain weight instead, according to new research. 最新研究显示,告诉某人应该减肥即使你只是想帮忙实际上却会导致他们体重增加。 The study showed tha...

  • 德国公司研发出水平电梯

    14-12-05 The elevator of the future may be just over the horizon thanks to German company ThyssenKrupp. 多亏有了德国蒂森克虏伯公司,未来的电梯已指日可待。 The firm has invented a cable-free elevator (called MULTI) that can go up and down like traditional lif...

  • 吃糖过多会导致抑郁、焦虑和压力

    14-11-29 According to new research, too much sugar doesn't just lead to weight gain, but also depression, anxiety and stress. 糖吃起来或许很甜但是它对身体的影响却与甜相去甚远。新研究表明,过量的糖分不仅导致体重的增长,也会导致抑郁、焦虑和压力。 Eating a diet...

  • 对自身体重的感觉影响减肥手术的成败

    14-10-27 Negative feelings about one's own weight, known as internalized weight bias, influence the success people have after undergoing weight loss surgery, according to research appearing in the journal Obesity Surgery, published by Springer. The study, fr...

  • 肠道细菌,人造甜味剂与葡萄糖不耐症

    14-09-20 Artificial sweeteners -- promoted as aids to weight loss and diabetes prevention -- could actually hasten the development of glucose intolerance and metabolic disease, and they do so in a surprising way: by changing the composition and function of t...

  • 超重或肥胖使人患癌症几率增大

    14-08-14 Being overweight and obese puts people at greater risk of developing 10 of the most common cancers, according to research in the Lancet medical journal. 医学期刊《柳叶刀》上的一项调查显示,超重与肥胖会使人患10中常见癌症飞几率大大增加。 Scientists ca...

  • 节食让人感觉悲惨甚至抑郁

    14-08-09 一项研究指出,节食会让你感觉悲惨,而且会增大你患抑郁症的风险。研究人员发现,那些成功瘦身的人感觉悲伤、寂寞和消沉的几率比体重保持不变或变胖的人大一倍。 It's easy to assume that when you finally lose those excess pounds, life will change for the bette...

  • 极度肥胖最多可使寿命缩短14年

    14-07-10 Adults with extreme obesity have increased risks of dying at a young age from cancer and many other causes including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney and liver diseases, according to results of an analysis of data pooled from 20 large stu...