• 美国发明能帮助调节饮食的内衣

    13-12-06 最近的研究表明半数美国人抱怨他们在压力大的时候会过度饮食,以至于吃太多增加体重,发现体重增加后压力又变大了。微软研究院的工程师和设计师们最近发明了一种用特殊材料做成的可以感应穿着者心情并帮助她们调节饮食的胸罩。 Despite all the related problems which...

  • 全英式早餐能帮助人们减肥

    13-11-22 一项新的研究显示全英式早餐能帮助人们减肥。研究显示一顿富含蛋白质而不是碳水化合物或纤维的早餐能够抗饥饿并在接下来的一整天里让人减少过食的冲动。 Eating a full English for breakfast can help you lose weight, a new study suggests. Research shows that a...

  • Cabochon

    13-08-20 Cabochon Nick Laird She still has some cousins in Leitrim, the tall nurse broadcasting our secret, and bright eyes bright as trinkets(小玩意儿) when her pink nail taps the screen. Between the coda and the dipped head a flicker in the quadrant's gr...

  • 迪拜启动减肥换黄金 减1公斤获1克黄金

    13-07-28 为了推行健康的生活方式,阿联酋迪拜市政府近日启动减肥换黄金活动,在30天内每减掉1公斤体重就能获得1克黄金(每克黄金当前市价45美元,约合276元人民币),参与者最少减去2公斤才能兑换黄金。 Authorities in Dubai are offering gold in return for weight loss in...

  • The Essay

    13-07-25 The Essay Brian Culhane I have asked my students once again to write on a theme. The subject is not the end of the summer, Though summer has once again ended and they are here. The subject is not even the throes(痛苦的挣扎) of adolescence, Or the...

  • 研究:餐具质量影响食物口感

    13-06-26 Our perception of how food tastes is influenced by cutlery, research suggests. 研究发现,人们对于食物味道的感觉受餐具影响。 Size, weight, shape and colour all have an effect on flavour, says a University of Oxford team. Cheese tastes saltier when ea...

  • 孕期每天服用铁元素能增加婴儿出生体重

    13-06-24 Taking iron daily during pregnancy is associated with a significant increase in birth weight and a reduction in risk of low birth weight, finds a new study. The effects were seen for iron doses up to 66 mg per day. The World Health Organization curr...

  • 婴儿首月体重增长影响智商

    13-06-19 New research from the University of Adelaide shows that weight gain and increased head size in the first month of a baby's life is linked to a higher IQ at early school age. The study was led by University of Adelaide Public Health researchers, who...

  • 体育课可以减少肥胖的可能性

    13-05-21 Little is known about the effect of physical education (PE) on child weight, but a new study from Cornell University finds that increasing the amount of time that elementary schoolchildren spent in gym class reduces the probability of obesity. The s...

  • 戒烟能降低患心脏病几率

    13-03-14 Stopping smoking cuts the risk of heart disease even if it leads to significant weight gain, a US study says. 美国一项研究发现,戒烟虽然会使体重显著增加,但是能降低患心脏病的危险。 Researchers writing in the Journal of the American Medical Associati...