• 科学家发现迄今最大数量的鲸鲨群

    11-05-26 Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are often thought to be solitary behemoths(巨兽) that live and feed in the open ocean. Scientists at the Smithsonian Institution and colleagues, however, have found that this is not necessarily the case, finding that...

  • 研究人员发现座头鲸过冬场所

    11-03-09 In the thick of(在最激烈的时刻) whale season, researchers from Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shed new light on the wintering grounds of the humpback whale(座头鲸) . The...

  • 日本暂停捕鲸活动

    11-02-16 Japan has suspended its annual Antarctic whale hunt following protests from a campaign group. 因一个运动组织的抗议,日本暂停今年南极鲸鱼的捕捞活动。 Activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a US-based environmental group, have been chas...

  • 仿生鲸鱼鳍改进水下涡轮叶片

    10-11-29 Interest in developing alternative energy(替代能源) sources is driving the consideration of a promising technology that uses underwater turbines(涡轮) to convert ocean tidal(潮汐) flow energy into electricity. Now lessons learned from the ocea...

  • DNA检测:洛杉矶、首尔的鲸肉产自日本

    10-04-15 An international team of Oregon State University scientists, documentary(纪录片) filmmakers and environmental advocates(拥护者,提倡者) has uncovered an apparent illegal trade in whalemeat, linking whales killed in Japan's controversial scientif...

  • 美国杀人虎鲸重新登场表演

    10-02-28 SeaWorld Orlando's killer whale show has reopened, three days after an orca killed one of the trainers. 奥兰多海底世界发生虎鲸伤人事件三天之后,虎鲸表演馆重新开放。 A SeaWorld spokesman said 2,200 people had watched the new show, in which staff were...

  • 美国某海底世界鲸鱼袭击驯兽员导致其死亡

    10-02-25 A killer whale has killed a 40-year-old female trainer at the SeaWorld marine park in Orlando, Florida. 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多海底世界一头逆戟鲸杀死一名40岁的女驯兽员。 Tilikum has been involved in two previous deaths Officials described the incident...

  • 研究发现海藻、鲸鱼的生长“兴衰与共”

    10-02-20 A new paper by researchers at George Mason University and the University of Otago in New Zealand shows a strong link between the diversity of organisms at the bottom of the food chain(食物链) and the diversity of mammals(哺乳类) at the top. Mark...

  • 史诗般的驼背鲸求爱场面被记录下来

    09-10-26 It is the greatest animal battle on the planet, and it has finally been caught on camera. 地球上最壮观的动物之战,终于被摄影机记录下来。 A BBC natural history crew has filmed the humpback whale(驼背鲸) heat run, where 15m long, 40 tonne male whale...

  • Seismic bangs 'block' whale calls 人类活动影响鲸鱼生存

    09-09-24 Scientists have turned up new evidence showing that ocean noise can affect the communication of whales. 科学家发现新证据显示深海噪音可以影响鲸的沟通。 Blue whales were hunted to the brink of extinction in the last century Studying blue whales off th...