• spread like wildfire 迅速传播开来

    22-03-01 流言传来传去,说不停不知道何时能平息。 流言有一千分贝,它震耳欲聋,把所有幸福摧毁。 流言的杀伤力极大,今天就来分享流言相关的英语表达。 关于流言蜚语,《怦然心动》里是这么说的:spread like wildfire。 wildfire字面意思是野火,可以用来比喻散布极快的事物...

  • get around fast 不胫而走

    21-05-08 不胫而走,汉语成语,字面意思是没有腿却能跑(run without legs),多指消息无声地散播。可以翻译为get around fast或spread quickly like wildfire。 例句: 谣言不胫而走,说他曾包庇走私。 The rumor somehow went about that he used to shield smuggling. 这则趣...

  • 加州山火蔓延 景象恍若火星

    20-09-11 The Bay Area in California awoke Wednesday to a scene straight out of Mars. 本周三,加州旧金山湾区景象恍若火星。 Orange and even red skies blanketed San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley, and ash rained down, with wildfires raging far in the distance....

  • 野火烟雾似乎可以提高臭氧浓度

    16-01-27 For those living with the threat to life and property from wildfires, Colorado State University scientists have some more bad news: Wildfire smoke seems to elevate levels of ozone, a nasty air pollutant with proven adverse health effects. The influe...

  • digital wildfire 网络谣言

    13-09-27 A digital wildfire is essentially a false rumor that spreads very rapidly in the online universe, typically through social media. It's a piece of misleading information that can rip through the public consciousness at breakneck speed, and the ramifi...

  • 加州约塞米蒂国家公园面临大火威胁

    13-08-24 A huge California wildfire has burned into Yosemite National Park, park officials say. 加利福尼亚州一场森林大火已经蔓延至约塞米蒂国家公园。 The week-old Rim Fire grew to 164 sq miles (424 sq km) by Friday morning, and had burned 17 sq miles at the e...

  • 森林大火对全球变暖影响不容忽视

    13-07-10 Wildfires produce a witch's brew of carbon-containing particles, as anyone downwind of a forest fire can attest(证明) . A range of fine carbonaceous(含碳的) particles rising high into the air significantly degrade air quality, damaging human and...

  • 美国科罗拉多州大火已被初步控制

    12-07-03 The most destructive wildfire in the US state of Colorado's history is now 70% contained, officials say. 美国科罗拉多州最具毁灭性的一场大火已被控制住70%。 The destruction in areas like Mountain Shadows means residents will not be allowed to return f...

  • 美国德州发生特大火灾

    11-09-06 Firefighters in drought-stricken Texas are struggling to contain a 16-mile-wide (26-km) wildfire that has destroyed almost 500 homes. 美国德克萨斯州的消防员正全力控制一条16英里宽的大火,此次火灾已摧毁了将近500座房屋。 Officials said the fire had gro...

  • 南美未来可能频发火灾

    11-08-23 A new University of Colorado Boulder study indicates a major climate oscillation(振荡) in the Southern Hemisphere that is expected to intensify in the coming decades will likely cause increased wildfire activity in the southern half of South Ameri...