日期:2016-02-23 Bullet screen , or danmu, a model of movie-watching that has been introduced in select theaters in China since 2014 has been widely used by video websites. 2014年开始在中国部分指定影院引入的弹幕其实早已被在线视频网站广泛应用了。 In this case, the bu... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-23 Drynuary is the practice of not drinking for the entire month of January -- staying dry -- usually in response to over-consumption during the holidays. It's also a campaign to encourage abstinence from alcohol during January. 戒酒的一月是指整个一月... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-23 Teraproject refers to a massive project, particularly one that costs a trillion dollars or more. 超巨型项目指非常大型的项目,尤其是那种耗资过万亿美元的工程项目。 For example: Moon building is probably a gigaproject or even teraproject. 建设月球也许... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-23 Ad blocker is a piece of software designed to prevent advertisements from appearing on a web page, i.e. software that blocks ads from web page. Ad blocker指阻止网页上出现广告的一种软件,也就是拦截网页广告的软件,即广告拦截器。 Recent studies have sh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 New year's block is a condition that usually takes place the first couple of weeks into the new year, in which a person keeps writing in the last/previous year in place of the new one. New year's block(新年障碍)是在每年刚开始的那几周会频繁发生的一... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 January feeling refers to an emotional state characterized by feelings of optimism and possibility, particularly at the start of a new year. 一月心情是指新年伊始之际,对一切抱持乐观态度,认为所有事都充满各种可能性的心理状态。 There's another sense o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Substition refers to a fact that many people do not believe. 公众不接受的真相是指许多人不相信的事实。 Substition was coined by the British novelist Terry Pratchett, who died on March 12, 2015 from Alzheimer's disease. It's the opposite of superstiti... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Have you heard of the Asian squat ? It's when the squatter keeps their heels firmly planted on the ground instead of rising up on their toes. 你听说过亚洲蹲吗?就是双脚后脚跟完全着地的蹲姿,脚跟翘起的姿势不算。 This form allows for a more comfortabl... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Bozo explosion is the large number of inept employees that a company ends up with when it hires an incompetent executive, who in turn hires incompetent managers, who then hire incompetent workers. 庸才当道是指一家公司启用了一位无能的高管,此高管又聘... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Male answer syndrome (MAS) is the tendency for some men to answer a question even when they don't know the answer. 男性回答综合征指部分男性听到有人提问题就想回答,无论是否真的知道答案。 Try an experiment. Ask a male friend a question, something comp... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Fassage refers to a spa treatment that includes both a facial and a full-body massage. 双重温泉疗法是指既包括面部按摩,又有全身按摩的Spa疗法。 Fassage是由facial(脸部按摩)和massage(按摩)组合而成的新词。这种各取两个词中的一部分构成新词的方法叫做拼... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Pedelec refers to a bicycle equipped with an electric motor that assists the rider's pedaling. 电动脚踏车指装有助力骑车人蹬车的电机的自行车。 该词是由pedal(脚踏车)和electric(电动的)组合而成的。 除了pedelec,其他常见装有小型电机的轻便式交通工具还... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Road diet refers to a reduction in the number of travel lanes available on a road, usually by converting one or more existing travel lanes into turn lanes, bike lanes, or street parking. 道路瘦身是指道路上可用车道数量减少,通常是将现有的一个或多条车... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 There's a new creature roaming the streets: the petextrian , or texting pedestrian. 大街上游荡着一个新的群族:行走短信族,也就是边走边发短信的行人。 You know him by his hunched-over posture, staring at a blazing screen while weaving down the street.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Gateway vegetable refers to a palatable vegetable that encourages more adventurous vegetable consumption. 入门蔬菜是指一种美味可口的蔬菜,吃它能激励人们更大胆地尝试吃其他蔬菜。 Healthy eating and weight loss requires vegetables. There's no way aroun... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Talkaholic is a person who takes great pleasure in talking. A talkaholic has trouble keeping quiet and listening when other people are around. Talkaholic指很喜欢讲话并且乐在其中的人,也就是我们所说的话唠。一般有别人在场的时候,话唠就很难做到不发言听... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Food swamp refers to an area that has an abundance of fast food restaurants and other low-nutrition food options. 食物沼泽是指快餐店林立和被其他类似的营养价值较低食品充斥的地区。 乍看之下,食品荒漠(food desert)和食物沼泽都与食物相关,其实两者里提... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Christmas buzz is a feeling common during the month of December. It is the need to buy many overpriced gifts for your family, normally on a credit card. The buyer feels no feelings of regret for the rest of the month, as he/she feels they are being... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-02-16 Food desert refers to an area where fresh food is either non-existent or too expensive. 食品荒漠是指没有新鲜食品或这种食品价格极贵的地区。 看了以上定义,你也许对此还是没啥概念。憋急!我们来看看对此问题颇感头大的美国农业部是怎么解释的: What is a foo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-01-29 Helping the elderly insurance became available for purchase on Alibaba's payment platform Alipay recently. The insurance costs 3 yuan a year ($0.47) and pays up to 20,000 yuan to cover legal fees should the insured be involved in a dispute over whet... 阅读全文>> |