日期:2012-03-10 全国人大代表、少林寺方丈释永信表示,时机成熟的时候,少林寺会考虑在海外开办分支机构。 Shaolin Temple China's most renowned Buddhist attraction, Shaolin Temple, is planning to open overseas branches when conditions are mature, according to the temple'... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-03-10 近日,从新闻出版总署获悉,为大力弘扬雷锋精神、促进社会主义核心价值体系建设,我国出版界计划推出132种弘扬雷锋精神的出版物,目前已出版65种。 China's publishing industry plans to release some 132 types of Lei Feng-themed publications in memory of the co... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-03-05 Global warming could make humans shorter, warn scientists who claim to have found evidence that it caused the world's first horses to shrunk nearly 50 million years ago. 科学家警告说,全球变暖可能会使人类变矮。科学家宣称已经找到证据:近5000万年前全... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-03-03 Users of online social network sites such as Facebook are editing their pages and tightening their privacy settings to protect their reputations in the age of digital sharing, according to a new survey. 一项新调查显示,Facebook等社交网站的用户为了在... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-03-03 由2011年冬季学期开始,斯坦福大学开设了一门少林功夫课。这门课基本上是一个功夫班,由少林寺和尚执教。 Lisa Becker, a biology research assistant, learns Shaolin Kung Fu from the masters in the class at Stanford. Master Shi Yanran has performed kung fu a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-03-03 科学家新发现了女性身上的一种离婚基因,这种基因可能导致携带者的婚姻充满矛盾和摩擦。携带这种基因变体的妇女,很难与他人建立亲密关系而不太愿意走入婚姻殿堂。即使与他人结为夫妻,她们的婚姻出现摩擦和战争的概率也高达50%。 If a relationship is filled with ro... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-03-03 日本一位科学家研究发现,狗之所以能够光脚在雪地上行走自如,而不觉得冷,奥秘之处在于其脚掌上有个内部中央供暖系统,它能让温暖血液流到特定部位,以避免冰冷的地面导致身体受寒。 Ever wonder how dogs can walk barefoot in the snow? Now a Japanese scientist m... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-03-02 Babies born just a few weeks early have a slightly higher risk of health problems in infancy, research suggests. 研究显示,早产几周的婴儿在婴儿期有稍高的健康问题。 Doctors said their work challenged widely held views that babies born after 37 weeks... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-29 The cassava plant could help African farmers cope with climate change, a scientific report says. 一项科学研究称,木薯可帮助非洲农民对付气候变化。 Cassava performed best compared to potato, maize, bean, banana, millet, and sorghum It's like the Rambo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-27 Silent movie The Artist has won best picture, best director for Michel Hazanavicius and best actor for Jean Dujardin at the Oscars. 无声电影《艺术家》获奥斯卡最佳影片奖,米歇尔哈扎纳维希乌斯获最佳导演奖,让杜雅赫丹获最佳演员。 Silent movie The Artis... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-26 Men are more likely than women to marry someone they feel is not quite right for them, debunking the myth that women will do anything for a ring - and that men, on the other hand, will do anything to shun commitment. 男人其实比女人更能接受不是很有感... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-26 We might like to think we're not influenced by other people, but a new study into the group-buying mechanisms - like those used on coupon sites such as Groupon and LivingSocial - reveals that telling buyers who come later to the offer how many have... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-25 A major ingredient to taking the pain out of a stressful day at work is a supportive partner at home, a new study has confirmed. 一项新研究证实,家有贤内助确实能较大地减轻工作压力带来的焦虑和疲惫。 It may not seem like a groundbreaking conclusion bu... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-25 Children are being asked to organise weddings for their parents as part of a BBC drive to reflect modern Britain. 为了反映现代英国风貌,BBC一档栏目邀请孩子们为自己的父母组织婚礼。 Traditionally, it was the parents of the bride who worried about plan... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-25 美国东北伊利诺伊大学、伊凡斯维尔大学和奥本大学的最新研究发现,未来雇主可借助Facebook资料预测求职者的职场表现。 If you're in the market for a new job, you should already be aware that future employers are perusing your Facebook profile. Some employer... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-18 Hate your boss? New research shows you're not alone. 你恨你的上司吗?新调查显示对上司心怀怨恨的不只你一人。 A study by talent management expert DDI revealed that one in three employees don't consider their boss to be doing an effective job, while ne... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-18 Traditional fairytales are being ditched by parents because they are too scary for their young children, a study found. 一项研究发现,父母们开始摒弃传统的童话故事,因为它们对年幼的孩子来说太吓人。 Research revealed one in five parents has scrapped o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-18 美国生产芭比娃娃的制造商美泰公司日前宣布,该公司已根据威廉王子和凯特王妃的形象制成了芭比娃娃。芭比娃娃的推出是为了纪念今年4月这对王室夫妇结婚1周年。 Mattel to issue William and Kate dolls for royal anniversary The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are r... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-18 一项在情人节发布的全球调查显示,将近三分之二的夫妻和情侣认为他们的另一半是幸福生活的最重要源泉。近一半的单身族最渴望找到自己的爱人,约45%的单身者说找到另一半将给他们带来最大的幸福感。 Nearly two-thirds of married couples and people with a significan... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-02-18 12日晚在洛杉矶隆重举行的第54届格莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼上,英国女歌手阿黛尔魅力四射,把获得提名的包括年度最佳歌曲(《Rolling In The Deep》)和年度最佳专辑(《21》)等6个奖项全部收入囊中,成为当晚最大赢家。 Adele poses backstage with her six awards at the... 阅读全文>> |