24-04-19 80 Juliette made her way through the airlock doors and up the ramp, ignoring the dead around her, justfocusing on each step, and the hardest part was over. The rest was open space and the scatteredremains she wished she could pretend were boulders....
24-04-19 79 Silo 17 Juliette woke up on a floor, someone shaking her. A man with a beard. It was Solo, and she waspassed out in his room, by his desk. We made it, he said, flashing his yellow teeth. He looked better than she remembered himlooking. More alive...
24-04-19 78 Silo 18 A group of kids thundered down the staircase as Lukas was escorted to his death. One of themsquealed in delighted horror as if being chased. They spiraled closer, coming into view, and Lukasand Peter had to squeeze to one side to let them...
24-04-19 77 Silo 17 Hello? Walk? Shirly? Juliette shouted into the radio, the orphans and Solo watching her from several steps below. Shehad hurried the kids through the farms, made hasty introductions, checking the radio all the while. Several levels had go...
24-04-19 76 Silo 18 Lukas teetered on the upturned trash can, the toes of his boots denting the soft plastic, feeling as if itcould go flying out from under him or collapse under his weight at any moment. He steadied himselfby holding the top of server twelv...
24-04-19 75 Silo 18 What happened? Why arent they responding? Courtnee looked from Walker to Shirly, as if eitherof them could know. Is it broken? Shirly picked up the small dial with the painted marks and tried to tell if it hadaccidentally moved. Walk, did...
24-04-19 74 Silo 17 Juliette shivered from the cold as she helped Solo to his feet. He wobbled and steadied himself, bothhands on the railing. Do you think you can walk? she asked. She kept an eye on the empty stairs spiraling downtoward them, wary of whoeve...
24-04-19 73 Silo 18 Lukas couldnt force himself to study, not what he was supposed to be studying. The Order satflopped open on the wooden desk, the little lamp on its thousand-jointed neck bent over and warmingit in a pool of light. He stood before the wall...
24-04-19 72 Silo 17 The water inside the suit was freezing, the air cold, the combination lethal. Juliettes teeth chatterednoisily while she worked the knife. She slid the blade into the soggy skin of the suit, the feeling ofhaving already been here, having...
24-04-19 71 Silo 18 The door to the generator room slammed shut behind her, dulling the patter of gunfire to a distanthammering. Shirly ran toward the control room on sore legs, ignoring her friends and coworkersasking her what was going on outside. They cow...