24-04-19 60 Silo 18 boys from the other side of the camp. These results were closely observed by the experimenters,who were posing as camp counselors. When the violence got out of hand, the experiment was haltedbefore it could run its full course. What began...
24-04-19 59 Silo 17 Juliette flicked the lights on in the Suit Lab as she hauled in her latest load from Supply. Unlike Solo,she didnt take the constant source of power for granted. Not knowing where it came from made hernervous that it wouldnt last. So whil...
24-04-19 58 Silo 18 Walker waved his arms over his head as he attempted to explain his new theory for how the radioprobably worked. So the sound, these transmissions, theyre like ripples in the air, you see? Hechased the invisible voices with his fingers. Ab...
24-04-19 57 Silo 18 was the year the Civil War consumed the thirty-four states. More American lives were lost in thisconflict than in all the subsequent ones combined, for any death was a death among kin. For fouryears, the land was ravaged, smoke clearing o...
24-04-19 56 Silo 17 A tiny strand of copper wire stood at a right angle to the rest. It was like a silo landing shooting offthe great stairway, a bit of flat amid the twisted spiral. As Juliette wrapped the pads of her fingersaround the wire and worked the s...
24-04-19 55 Three weeks later Silo 18 Walker remained in his cot and listened to the sounds of distant violence. Shouts echoed down hishallway, emanating from the entrance to Mechanical. The familiar patter of gunfire came next, thepop pop pop of the good gu...
24-04-19 54 Silo 18 The first moment of true rest came hours later at Supply, on the upper edge of the down deep. Therewas talk of holding there, of setting up some kind of barrier, but it wasnt clear how the entirestairway could be blocked to include the op...
24-04-19 Part 5 The Stranded 53 Silo 18 Marck stumbled down the great stairway, his hand sliding against the cool railing, a rifle tuckedunder his arm, his boots slipping in blood. He could barely hear the screams all around him: the wailsfrom the wounded as...
24-04-19 52 I have seen the day that I have worn a visor and could tell a whispering tale. Bernard came to at the sound of shouting, his eyes burning from the smoke, his ears ringing with along-ago blast. Peter Billings was shaking his shoulders, yelling at...
24-04-19 51 This days black fate on more days doth depend: This but begins the woe others must end. The waiting was interminable. It was the long silence of itchy scalps and trickling sweat, thediscomfort of weight on elbows, of backs bent, of bellies flat a...