日期:2022-04-07 An adult nursery with giant cribs, man-sized nappies and grown men dressed as babies has moved to Bootle, UK. Adult babies like role-playing and regressing to a child-like state. 英国布特尔近日迎来一家成人托儿所。这家成人托儿所有非常大的婴儿床,成人... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 冬天了,时尚与保暖真的不可兼得吗?就是这么不可思议,保暖实用的高领毛衣(polo neck)居然成功逆袭,成为这个冬天炙手可热的时尚单品。让我们跟随《卫报》,来看看高领毛衣背后的故事。 The polo neck is the most bad-ass player in fashion right now. So wrong f... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 A British organization is planning to set Valentines Day as Anti-Selfie Day, calling for face-to-face communication. 英国组织拟将情人节定为反自拍日,呼吁面对面沟通交流。 The British organization Loveflutter dislikes superstars, including Kim Kardash... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 Russia will consider creating a bad bank for troubled assets as part of a package of measures worth at least 2.3 trillion rubles to combat the countrys looming economic crisis. 俄罗斯将考虑为不良资产设立一家坏帐银行,这是规模至少为2.3万亿卢布的一揽... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 Its said that the movie The Bridges of Madison County presents a richly-textured emotional tapestry. However, in some sense, the male protagonist the National Geographic photographer Robert Kincaid who has won the lonely heart of a married country h... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 随着天气越来越冷,人们的择偶标准也会跟着气温一起下降。最近有研究表明,低温天气会让人渴望赶紧找个伴儿,不求天长地久,但求相依相伴共度眼下严冬,这种特定现象就叫做抱抱季(cuffing season)。 Finite relationships are beginning up and down a country as men... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has announced a research programme to develop a new generation of medicines to treat the genetic causes of many debilitating diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and many cancers. 英国制药巨头阿斯利康制... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 常常有人在我们面前说这不好那不好,自己有多么倒霉,但是细细听来,句句都是在夸自己,炫耀自己。这个时候,我们可以回他们一句:你这不是在bragplaining么? Bragplaining is used when you complain about something for the sole purpose of brining it up in conve... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 中国互联网有三巨头百度阿里腾讯,美国有四巨头谷歌苹果脸书亚马逊。 GAFA is the corporations Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon viewed as a group, particularly one that wields significant power and influence in modern affairs. GAFA是指谷歌、苹果、脸书... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 有微波炉的办公室常常很多人带饭,一到中午,就出现微波炉等待。 Microwait is the consequence of the lunchtime rush for the microwave in corporate settings. 公司里到了饭点,大伙儿都抢着去用微波炉热饭,去晚了就要排队的情况就叫微波炉等待。 例句: Im going... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 好朋友有亲密无间的BFF(Best Friend Forever,永远的好朋友),也有不那么坦诚的BBF(Best-Behavior Friend,好行为朋友)。你交过BBF吗? Best-Behavior Friend, also known as BBF; a friend whom you have very little in common with and you act on your best-be... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 当中国年轻的移民二代兴起一股洗剪吹之风时,西方的叛逆青少年中也在流行emo flap(情绪摇滚头)。 Emo flap is a hairstyle symbolizing ones angst and hatred of the world. It covers one of the eyes and comes down in a pizza slice shape. Commonly associated... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 With a massive storm expected to drop up to 3 feet of snow on the Northeast U.S. before it ends Tuesday, a flurry of New Yorkers are placing online ads seeking blizzard buddies for companionship, snuggling and, in so many words, sex. 北美洲暴雪来袭... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-07 虽然收入不低,但是又要交社保又要还房贷,还有各种家庭开销,几乎存不下什么钱?没错,你就英语中的HENRYs(亨利一族)。 HENRY is abbreviation of high earner not rich yet; refers to a segment of families earning between $100,000 and $250,000, but not havi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-06 多吃蔬果,少点油腻 More protein and fruits, and less greasy foods 研究发现,春天的嗜睡通常伴随着蛋白质、维生素的不足和体内酸的失衡。想要感到轻松、保持清醒,可以多吃高蛋白食物,如鱼类和鸡蛋,以及富含维生素的水果,如柑橘、柠檬和新鲜蔬菜。油腻的食物和... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-06 春困这一现象,在英语中可被译为spring fatigue或spring lethargy,有时也被称作spring fever。 据维基百科解释,春困是指与春季来临有关的疲劳、精力下降或抑郁的状态。这种状态也许是对气温升高的正常反应,可能有医学依据,如过敏或 逆向季节性情感障碍等。 Spring... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-06 请看例句: Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences have discovered eight new macrofungi species in south Chinas island province of Hainan. 中国热带农业科学院的研究团队在海南发现了8个大型真菌新物种。 这8个大型真菌新物种... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-06 请看例句: Chinas annual commercial real estate investment is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan ($47 billion) for the first time in 2022. 2022年中国商业地产投资有望首度突破3000亿元。 商业地产服务与投资机构世邦魏理仕发布报告称,2021年中国大宗物业投... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-06 请看例句: China has announced tax-relief policies for parents rearing children under 3 years old, according to a State Council circular issued on Monday. 国务院3月28日印发通知称,照护 3岁以下婴幼儿可享受个税减免。 根据这项通知,自2022年1月1日起,纳... 阅读全文>> 日期:2022-04-06 请看例句: With almost half a year to go before the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games, venues are ready for a Green, Smart, Economical and Ethical Asian Games. 距离杭州亚运会开幕还有不到半年时间,日前,杭州亚运会竞赛场馆全部竣工,场馆建设秉承绿色、智能、节... 阅读全文>> |