日期:2021-01-12 撑场面,中文俗语,意思是维持外表上的排场和规模等,亦作撑门面,可以翻译为maintain an outward show of prosperity。也可以用英文俗语keep up appearances表示,有maintain an impression of wealth or well-being的意思。 例句: 请一定来给我撑撑场面吧。 Please... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-11 陈词滥调,汉语成语,与陈腔滥调同义,意思是指陈腐、空泛的论调,缺乏新意的观点,含贬义,可以翻译为a trite or overused expression or idea。也可以用单词cliche表示。 例句: 我知道这听起来真是陈词滥调,但它是真实的! I know that sounds really cliche, but... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-11 唠闲嗑,中文俗语,指漫无边际地聊天闲聊,东拉西扯,可以翻译为make small talk。与英文习语chew the fat意思相同,表示chat in a leisurely and prolonged way;to chat or gossip。 例句: 坐下来咱们唠会儿闲嗑。 Sit yourself down and lets chew the fat for a w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-11 经常看电视的人对黄金时段这个词都不陌生,你知道它指的是什么时间段吗?黄金时段,是指一天中广播电视节目视听率最高的时段。英文可以翻译为prime time,表示the time of day when the TV audience is at its largest。中国电视的黄金时间是每天18∶30到22∶00。 例句... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-11 1. I worked at a historic site once where I had to dress as a bison and be chased by hordes of 5 year olds in a bison hunt. Once after being killed in the bison hunt I was breathing too heavily from running. One of them yelled its alive and punched... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-07 你热爱自己的工作吗?一想到要工作一整天,你是无比期待,还是惴惴不安?对于有些人来说,从星期一开始就数着日子,盼着星期五能早早到来,好在周末时光逃离繁琐枯燥的日常事务。难道我们非要带着这种情绪工作吗? Do you enjoy working? Does the prospect of a day i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-07 你也许听说过 九五后 这个称谓。在西方很多国家,人们把出生于九十年代中叶后,2010年前的年轻人统称为 Z世代。有人认为,出生于互联网时代的他们对科技产物有着天生的敏锐感。你了解这代人吗?你同意这种用年龄归类的方式吗? When were you born? If it was in the l... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-07 智能手机的普及和社交媒体平台的出现让人们更加方便地拍摄并分享自己生活中的点点滴滴。如今,还有人会去购买传统的照相机吗?新技术的发明是否意味着传统摄影将被推出历史舞台? We all love to take photographs. Its a simple way to capture a special moment, an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-07 在当今时代,时尚业竞争激烈,零售商们用各种方式让退货变得不再困难。大多数情况下,消费者们只需要把服饰带回服装店就可以了。这虽然让退换货物变得非常方便,却催生出了不少先大量购买商品,再退还回去的买家。这看似无伤大雅,但公司的利润却因此受到影响。面临这... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-04 We all know the importance of education. Everyone aspires to have a good one, but its quality and availability is not the same for all. This situation changes as social, economic and political conditions change and technological development provides... 阅读全文>> 日期:2021-01-04 Are you planning to eat out tonight or are you going to stay in to save the pennies? A meal out at a good restaurant or even a pizza parlour can set you back a small fortune, so cooking for yourself makes financial sense. But with the rise in food p... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 交交心是口语化的说法,促膝谈心是书面的说法,那么英语是怎么说的? 可以用这个词:tete-a-tete。这个词用作名词是两人之间的私下交谈、面谈的意思,用作副词是面对面的意思。这个词来自法语,法语的写法是tte--tte。 For example: She leaned forward and confided t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 His and her bathrooms separate many of the shared fixtures and furnishings in the bathroom so that each person has their own. Common items include vanities, medicine cabinets, shower systems and even toilets. 双盆卫生间把卫生间中的许多公用设备和家具... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 Me-too product is a product created by a company that is similar to a competitors product in order to prevent that competitor from maximizing its market share. 跟风产品(me-too product)是一个公司生产的跟竞争者产品类似的产品,目的是阻止竞争者把市场... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 Big dataed means being the target of big data, as doing a Google search for something and then being sent targeted ads for that thing for a month. 被大数据(big dataed)指沦为大数据的追踪目标,比如在谷歌上搜了个什么事,之后的一个月你都会收到根据这项... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 If someone makes a cold call, they telephone or visit someone they have never contacted, without making an appointment, in order to try and sell something. 如果某人给你打了个冷电话(cold call),就是说他在与你素未联络、且并未预约的情况下贸然致电或拜... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 A man on the moon is a person who is not an outcast but different from everyone else. A unique person, different in a good way. 月亮上的人(man on the moon)指一个并不离群索居、但与其他人不一样的人。他独一无二,很特别,而且是好的特别。 例如: That g... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 Workweek creep means: 1) Constant connectivity via your smartphone and computer blurs the boundaries between your work life and your personal life. 2) Constant connectivity at work via e-mail chat, results in so many interruptions that you cannot ge... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 Career veneer refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement, increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing. 职业虚... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-12-27 中央军委主席习近平日前签署命令,发布《军队军事职业教育条例(试行)》。《条例》围绕培养德才兼备的高素质、专业化新型军事人才,对于推动军事职业教育建设发展、构建新型军事人才培养体系,具有重要意义。 Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commissio... 阅读全文>> |