日期:2008-03-07 BEARERS , Eng. crim. law. Such as bear down or oppress others; maintainers. In Ruffhead's Statutes it is employed to translate the French word emparnours, which signifies, according to Kelham, undertakers of suits. 4 Ed. III. c. 11. This word is no... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BATTURE . An elevation of the bed of a river under the surface of the water; but it is sometimes used to signify the same elevation when it has risen above the surface. 6 M. R. 19, 216. The term battures is applied, principally, to certain portions... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BASTARD EIGNE' , Eng. law. Elder bastard. By the old English law, when, a man had a bastard son, and he afterwards married the mother, and by her had a legitimate son, the first was called a bastard eigne, or, as it is now spelled, aine, and the sec... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BARTON , old English law. The demesne land of a manor; a farm distinct from the mansion. BASE . Something low; inferior. This word is frequently used in composition; as base court, base estate, base fee, c. BASE COURT . An inferior court, one not of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BARRATRY , maritime law, crimes. A fraudulent act of the master or mariners, committed contrary to their duty as such, to the prejudice of the owners of the ship. Emer. tom. 1, p. 366; Merlin, Repert. h. t.; Roccus, h. t.; 2 Marsh. Insur. 515; 8 Eas... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BARGEMEN . Persons who own and keep a barge for the purpose of carrying the goods of all. such other persons who may desire to employ them. They are liable as common, carriers. Story, Bailm. 496. BARLEYCORN . A lineal measure, containing one-third o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BAR , practice. A place in a court where the counsellors and advocates stand to make their addresses to the court and jury; it is so called because formerly it was closed with a bar. Figuratively the counsellors and attorneys at law are called the b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BANKRUPTCY . The state or condition of a bankrupt. 2. Bankrupt laws are an encroacbment upon the common law. The first in England was the stat. 34 and 35 H. VIII., c. 4, although the word bankrupt appears only in the title, not in the body of the ac... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BANK , com. law. 1. A place for the deposit of money. 2. An institution, generally incorporated, authorized to receive deposits of money, to lend money, and to issue promissory notes, usually known by the name of bank notes. 3. Banks are said to be... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BAILOR , contracts. He who bails a thing to another. 2. The bailor must act with good faith towards the bailee; Story's Bailm. 74, 76, 77; permit him to enjoy the thing bailed according to contract; and, in some bailments, as hiring, warrant the tit... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BAILIFF , account render. A bailiff is a person who has, by delivery, the custody and administration of lands or goods for the benefit of the owner or bailor, and is liable to render an account thereof. Co. Lit. 271; 2 Leon. 245; 1 Mall . Ent. 65. T... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BAIL BOND , practice, contracts. A specialty by which the defendant and other persons, usually not less than two, though the sheriff may take only one, become bound to the sheriff in a penalty equal to that for which bail is demanded, conditioned fo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BACHELOR . The first degree taken at the universities in the arts and sciences, as bachelor of arts, c. It is called, in Latin, Baccalaureus, from bacalus, or bacillus, a staff, because a staff was given, by way of distinction, into the hands of tho... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BACHELOR . The first degree taken at the universities in the arts and sciences, as bachelor of arts, c. It is called, in Latin, Baccalaureus, from bacalus, or bacillus, a staff, because a staff was given, by way of distinction, into the hands of tho... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 AWAIT , crim. law. Seems to signify what is now understood by lying in wait, or way-laying. AWARD . The judgment of an arbitrator or arbitrators on a matter submitted to him or them : arbitrium est judicium. The writing which contains such judgment... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 AVOIDANCE , eccl. law. It is when a benefice becomes vacant for want of an incumbent; and, in this sense, it is opposed to plenarty. Avoidances are in fact, as by the death of the incumbent or in law. AVOIDANCE , pleading. The introductiou of new or... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 AVALUM . By this word is understood the written engagement of a third person to guaranty and to become security that a bill of exchange shall be paid when due. AVERAGE . A term used in commerce to signify a contribution made by the owners of the shi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 AUTHORITY , government. The right and power which an officer has in the exercise of a public function to compel obedience to his lawful commands. A judge, for example, has authority to enforce obedience to his not being correct. Merlin, Repertoire,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 AUTHENTICS , civ. law. This is the name given to a collection of the Novels of Justinian, made by an anonymous author. It is called authentic on account of its authority. 2. There is also another collection which bears the name of authentics. It is... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 AUTRE ACTION PENDANT . A plea that another action is pending for the same cause. 2. It is evident that a plaintiff cannot have two actions at the same time, for the same cause, against the same defendant; and when a second action is so commenced, an... 阅读全文>>

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