日期:2008-03-08 BOTELESS , or bootless. Without recompense, reward or satisfaction made unprofitable or without success. BOTTOMRY , maritime law. A contract, in nature of a mortgage of a ship, on which the owner borrows money to enable him to fit out the ship, or t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 BOROUGH . An incorporated town; so called in the charter. It is less than a city. 1 Mann. Gran. 1; 39 E. C. L. R. 323. BOROUGH ENGLISH , English law. This, as the name imports, relates exclusively to the English law. 2. It is a custom, in many ancie... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 BOND TENANT , Eng. law. Copyholders and customary tenants are sometimes so called. Calth. on Copyh. 51, 54. BONDAGE . Slavery. BONIS NON AMOVENDIS . The name of a writ addressed to the sheriff, when a writ of error has been brought, commanding that... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 BONA VACANTIA . Goods to which no one claims a property, as, shipwrecks, treasure trove, c.; vacant goods. BONA WAVIATA . Goods waived or thrown away by a thief, in his flight, for fear of being apprehended. BOND , contract. An obligation or bond is... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 BONA FIDE . In or with good faith. 2. The law requires all persons in their transactions to act with good faith and a contract where the parties have not acted bonafide is void at the pleasure of the innocent party. 8 John. R. 446; 12 John. R. 320;... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 BLOTTER , mer. law. A book among merchants, in which entries of sales, c.;are first made. 2. This book, containing the original entries, is received in evidence, when supported by the oaths or affirmations of those who keep it. See Original entry. B... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 BLIND . One who is deprived of the faculty of seeing. 2. Persons who are blind may enter into contracts and make wills like others. Carth. 53; Barn. 19, 23; 3 Leigh, R. 32. When an attesting witness becomes blind, his handwriting may be proved as if... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 BLANCH FIRMES . The same as white rent. (q. v.) BLANK . A space left in writing to be filled, up with one or more words, in order to make sense. 1. In what cases the ambiguity occasioned by blanks not filled before execution of the writing may be ex... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BIPARTITE . Of two parts. This term is used in conveyancing as, this indenture bipartite, between A, of the one part, and B, of the other part. But when there are only two parties, it is not necessary to use this word. BIRRETUM or BIRRETUS. A cap or... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BILL OF SIGHT , English commercial law. When a merchant i's ignorant of the real quantities or qualities of any goods consigned to him, so that he is unable to make a perfect entry of them, he is required to acquaint the collector or comptroller of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BILL OBLIGATORY . An instrument in common use and too well known to be misunderstood. It is a bond without condition, sometimes called a single bill, and differs in nothing from a promissory note, but the seal which is affixed to it. 2 Serg. Rawle,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BILL OF GROSS ADVENTURE . A phrase used in French maritime law; it comprehends every instrument of writing which contains a contract of bottomry, respondentia, and every species of maritime loan. We have no word of similar import. Hall on Mar. Loans... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BILL OF EXCHANGE , contracts. A bill of exchange is defined to be an open letter of request from, and order by, one person on another, to pay a sum of money therein mentioned to a third person, on demand, or at a future time therein specified. 2 Bl.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BILL OP DEBT, BILL OBLIGATORY , contracts. When a merchant by his writing acknowledges himself in debt to another, in a certain sum to be paid on a certain day and subscribes it at a day and place certain. It may be under seal or not. Com. Dig. Merc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BILL , merc. law. An account containing the items of goods sold, or of work done by one person against another. It differs from an account stated (q. v.) in this, that the latter is a bill approved and sanctioned by the debtor, whereas a bill is mad... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BILAN . A book in which bankers, merchants and traders write a statement of all they owe and all that is due to them. This term is used in the French law, and in the state of Louisiana. 5 N. S; 158. A balance sheet. See 3 N. S. 446, 504. BILATERAL C... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BID , contracts. A bid is an offer to pay a specified price for an article about to be sold at auction. The bidder has a right to withdraw his bid at any time before it is accepted, which acceptance is generally manifested by knocking down the hamme... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BETTER EQUITY . In England this term has lately been adopted. In the case of Foster v. Blackston, the master of the rolls said, be could no where find in the authorities what in terms was a better equity, but on a reference to all the cases, he cons... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BENEFIT OF DISCUSSION , civil law. The right which a surety has to cause the property of the principal debtor to be applied in satisfaction of the obligation in the first instance. See Civil Code of Lo. art. 3014 to 3020, and Discussion. BENEFIT OF... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-07 BENCH . Latin Bancus, used for tribunal. In England there are two courts to which this word is applied. Bancus Regius, King's Bench Bancus Communis, Com- mon Bench or Pleas. The jus banci, says Spelman, properly belongs to the king's judges, who adm... 阅读全文>>

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