日期:2008-03-08 CHARTER , mar. contr. An agreement by which a vessel is hired by the owner to another; as A B chartered the ship Benjamin Franklin to C D. CHARTER-LAND , Eng. law. Land formerly held by deed under certain rents and free services, and it differed in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CHARITY . In its widest sense it denotes all the good affections which men ought to bear towards each other; 1 Epistle to Cor. c. xiii.; in its most restricted and usual sense, it signifies relief to the poor. This species of charity is a mere moral... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CHARGE , practice. The opinion expressed by the court to the jury, on the law arising out of a case before them. 2. It should contain a clear and explicit exposition of the law, when the points of the law in dispute arise out of the facts proved on... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CHANGE . The exchange of money for money. The giving, for example, dollars for eagles, dimes for dollars, cents for dimes. This is a contract which always takes place in the same place. By change is also understood small money. Poth. Contr. de Chang... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CHAMPION . He who fights for another, or takes his place in a quarrel; it also includes him who fights his own battles. Bract. lib. 4, t. 2, c. 12. CHANCE , accident. As the law punishes a crime only when there is an intention to commit it, it follo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CHAMBER . A room in a house. 2. It was formerly hold that no freehold estate could be had in a chamber, but it was afterwards ruled otherwise. When a chamber belongs to one person, and the rest of the house with the land is owned by another the two... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CHALLENGE , practice. An exception made to jurors who are to pass on a trial; to a judge; or to a sheriff. 2. It will be proper here to consider, 1. the several kinds of challenges; 2. by whom they are to be made; 3. the time and manner of making th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CESSION , eccl. law. When an ecclesiastic is created bishop, or when a parson takes another benefice, without dispensation, the first benefice becomes void by a legal cession, or surrender. Cowel, h. t. CESTUI . He. This word is frequently used in c... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CESSET EXECUTIO . The staying of an execution. 2. When a judgment has been entered, there is sometimes, by the agreement of the parties, a cesset executio for a period of time fixed upon and when the defendant enters security for the amount of the j... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CERTIFICATE , practice. A writing made in any court, and properly authenticated, to give notice to another court of anything done therein; or it is a writing by which an officer or other person bears testimony that a fact has or has not taken place.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CEPIT . Took. This is a technical word, which cannot be supplied by any other in an indictment for larceny. The charge against the defendant must be that he took the thing stolen with a felonious design. Bac. Ab. Indictment, G 1. CEPIT ET ABDUXIT .... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 C2ETERORUM . The name of a kind of administration, which, after an administration has been granted for a limited purpose, is granted for the rest of the estate. 1 Will. on Ex. 357; 2 Hagg. 62; 4 Hagg. Eccl. R. 382, 386; 4 Mann. Gr. 398. For example,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CAUTIONER , Scotch law, contracts. One who becomes bound as caution or surety for another, for the performance of any obligation or contract contained in a deed. CAVEAT , practice. That hebeware. Caveat is the name of a notice given by a party havin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CAUSE , pleading.The reason; the motive. 2. In a replication de injuria, for example, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant of his own wrong, and without the cause by him in his plea alleged, did, c. The word cause here means without the matter o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CATCHPOLE , officer. A name formerly given to a sheriff's deputy, or to a constable, or other officer whose duty it is to arrest persons. He was a sort of serjeant. The word is not now in use as an official designation. Minshew ad verb. CAUSA MATRIM... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CASUPROVISO , practice. A writ of entry given by the statute of Gloucester, c. 7, when a tenant in dower aliens in fee or for life. It might have been brought by the reversioner against the alienee. This, is perhaps an obsolete remedy, having yielde... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 To CASHIER , punishment. To break; to deprive a military man of his office. Example: every officer who shall be convicted, before a general court martial, of leaving signed a false certificate relating to the absence of either officer or private sol... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CASE, STATED , practice. An agreement in writing, between a plaintiff and defendant, that the facts in dispute between them are as there agreed upon and mentioned, 3 Whart. 143. 2. The facts being thus ascertained, it is left for the court to decide... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CART BOTE . An allowance to the tenant of wood, sufficient for carts and other instruments of husbandry. CARTE BLANCHE . The signature of an individual or more, on a while. paper, with a sufficient space left above it to write a note or other writin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-08 CARGO , mar. law. The entire load of a ship or other vessel. Abb. on Sh. Index, h. t.; 1 Dall. 197; Merl. Rep. h. t.; 2 Gill John. 136. This term is usually applied to goods only, and does not include human beings. 1 Phill. Ins. 185; 4 Pick. 429. Bu... 阅读全文>>

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