日期:2018-01-11 European aviation giant Airbus signed a framework agreement with its Chinese partners on Tuesday to increase the number of planes it makes at its Tianjin assembly plant. 本周二,欧洲航空业巨头空客公司与中国客户签署一份框架协议,将增加其天津组装工厂... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-11 Japanese automakers Toyota and Mazda on Wednesday announced plans to build a huge $1.6 billion joint-venture plant in Alabama that will eventually employ about 4,000 people. 日本汽车制造商丰田与马自达周三宣布,将投资16亿美元在阿拉巴马州建造一座大型... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-11 China has reported that it has completed the major work necessary before the official opening of the longest sea bridge in the world. 世界上最长的跨海大桥必要主体工程已经完工。 The bridge has had its lighting system installed and tested, completing... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-11 The Public Security Bureau in the city of Yantai in Shandong Province has launched a new live-streaming video call system @110 January 10, 2018 reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻网报道,2018年1月10日,烟台公安局上线一项新式实时视频电话系统@110。 The new... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-10 New data from Chinas postal regulators show Chinas express delivery companies handled more than 40 billion parcels in 2017. 中国邮政监管机构最新数据显示,2017年中国各快递公司派送了超过400亿个快件。 This is the largest amount of express delivery traf... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-10 LeEco founder Jia Yuetings new electric car model has successfully completed several test drives in Las Vegas, reports Tencent and NetEase. 腾讯网与网易报道,乐事生态创始人贾跃亭的新型电动汽车在拉斯维加斯成功完成几项试驾。 Manufacturer Faraday Futur... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-10 On Monday, the biggest wild ginseng root in the world was displayed at a news conference held by Jilin Zixin Pharmaceutical Industrial Co and one of its stockholders Dunhua Kangping Investment Co in Changchun, capital of Jilin province. 本周一,由吉... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-10 Chinese ride-hailing company DiDi Chuxing will take parts of financially strained bike-sharing operator Bluegogos business in its latest attempt to enter the bike-sharing market, the company announced Tuesday. 中国网约车公司滴滴出行周二宣布,将采用... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-10 Wang Zian, an 18-year-old blind teenager in Baiyun District, southern Chinas Guangdong Province, was enrolled by the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, one of the top music colleges in the United Kingdom, after several years of efforts, dayoo.com repor... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-10 The predominant virus strains this winter have been little seen in recent years, which has caused the current influenza outbreak in China, according to an official at the National Health and Family Planning Commission. 国家卫计委某官员表示,今年冬天... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-04 Snow has disrupted traffic in a number of parts of China. 大雪影响了中国多个地区的交通。 The northwestern part of central Chinas Hubei Province saw the first snowfall of 2018 on Wednesday. Meteorological authorities in the city of Shiyan issued an o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-04 Rugao, a city renowned for the longevity of its residents in east Chinas Jiangsu Province, recorded 403 centenarians at the end of 2017, according to the citys civil affairs bureau. 江苏省如皋市,一个以长寿居民闻名的城市,在2017年底有403位百岁老人记... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-04 A rotating ice circle over Liaohe River in Faku County of northeast Chinas Liaoning Province has attracted hundreds of visitors since it was discovered this week. 辽河上发现一个旋转的冰圈,该地段位于中国辽宁省法库县,该奇观自本周被发现以来吸引了数百... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-01-03 High-speed railway is expected to cover 80% of major Chinese cities in 2020. 2020年高铁线路有望覆盖中国80%的主要城市。 This has been detailed at a China Railway Corporation conference in Beijing on January 2, 2018, reports thepaper.cn. A review of t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-12-27 China has sold over 50 million domestically manufactured chips connected to the BeiDou navigation and positioning system in the past five years. 过去五年间,中国已售出5000万颗国产北斗导航定位芯片。 The chips have been downsized to their smallest siz... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-12-27 Visits to a Japanese streaming website for Xiang Xiang, a giant panda cub, surpassed 1.15 million when the panda met the public for the first time last Tuesday, making the cub an internet celebrity. 大熊猫幼仔香香自上周二首次公开亮相之后,日本一家流... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-12-27 The city of Guangzhous Public Security Bureau has become the first in China to accept an online ID system through WeChat, reports the Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,广州市公安局开始接受微信网证系统,这在国内尚属首例。 Once a user inputs th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-12-26 A Chinese clothing company is suing Apple for copyright infringement of the Apple App Store logo, a court in Beijing said Tuesday. 中国一家制衣公司状告苹果App商店的logo侵权。 Clothing label KON claim the Apple App Store logo closely resembles its ow... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-12-25 At least 37 people may have died in the massive fire that ravaged a shopping mall in Davao City on Saturday. 菲律宾达沃市一家购物中心周六发生火灾,至少37人丧生。 Distraught relatives wailed in grief as Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-12-25 China started building its first national engineering laboratory for atmospheric environmental monitoring on Sunday in Hefei, capital of east Chinas Anhui Province. 上周日,中国在安徽省省会合肥建造首个国家级大气环境监测工程实验室。 Jointly launched... 阅读全文>> |