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Move over Michael Phelps, the Beijing Olympics has an-other superstar. Usain Bolt1 blazed2 into the Olympic history books last night, becoming the first man to break world records while winning both 100m and 200m races at a single Games. The Jamaican broke the world record by winning the 200m in 19.30sec, becoming also the first man since American Carl Lewis in 1984 to sweep the 100m and 200m gold medals at an Olympics. Bolt, who turns 22 today, took the top spot on the heels of his win in the men's 100m on Saturday. He bettered his own world record in that race by winning in 9.69sec, despite slowing down over the final 20m to showboat. The performance marked the sprinter3 as one of the breakthrough stars of these Summer Games, who is ensured that when highlight4 films of the Beijing Games are rolled in years to come, Bolt and Phelps, the US swimmer who won a record eight gold medals in the pool, will share the top billing. Bolt, whose father says owes his speed and power to the local yam vegetable, yesterday showed what he can do when he runs at full speed all the way, lunging at the finish line to eclipse5 the old record of 19.32sec set by American Michael Johnson at the 1996 Atlanta Games. "He is Superman 2," Johnson said after he saw his record fall. All too far behind the Jamaican, Churandy Martina of the Netherlands Antilles took silver in 19.82sec. Defending champion Shawn Crawford of the US got bronze at 19.96sec. Once he saw his record finish, Bolt fell to the track, his giant legs and arms pointing out. "I am No 1 I am No 1!" the world's fastest man declared to TV audiences as he beat his chest and blew kisses at the 91,000 crowd in the Bird's Nest, before continuing with his victory lap. 菲尔普斯热刚过去,北京奥运会又诞生了一位超级巨星。 乌塞恩•博尔特昨晚载入奥林匹克史册,成为第一位在一届奥运会上获得100米、200米短跑双料冠军并打破世界纪录的运动员。 这位牙买加选手以19秒30的成绩打破了200米短跑世界纪录,并成为1984年以来继美国运动员卡尔•刘易斯之后,第一个在奥运会上独揽男子100米和200米两枚金牌的选手。 今天刚满22岁的博尔特上周六刚刚夺得100米短跑金牌,紧接着,200米的金牌也到手了。 虽然他为了表现自己的实力在最后20米的时候开始减速,但最终还是以9秒69的成绩摘走了金牌,并刷新了自己创造的世界纪录。 博尔特的精彩表现使他成为夏季奥运会上众多的新星之一,同时也让人们相信,几年后记录北京奥运会精彩片段的影片问世时,他将和夺得8枚金牌的美国游泳健将菲尔普斯一样耀眼。 昨天,博尔特充分展现了自己的实力,他以全速的奔跑和强力的冲刺刷新了由迈克尔•约翰逊在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上创造的19秒32的世界纪录。约韩逊在看见自己的记录被打破后说:“他简直就是超人二号。” 博尔特的父亲透露说他的速度和力量都来源于他们家乡的番薯。 其他的选手被博尔特远远地甩在了后面,荷属安的列斯选手许兰迪•马丁纳以19秒82的成绩获得银牌,卫冕冠军美国选手肖恩•克劳福德则以19秒96获得铜牌。 看见自己创造的新记录,博尔特张开硕大的四肢,直挺挺的躺倒在跑道上。 接着,这位世界飞人一边捶打着胸膛,向鸟巢91000名观众抛出一记飞吻,一边向电视观众宣告:“我是世界第一,我是世界第一!”随后,他绕场一圈,庆祝自己的胜利。 点击 ![]()
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