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South Korea's top male and female archers1 capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended, an archery official said on Tuesday. Park Sung-hyun, 25, who led the women's team to a gold medal and won an individual silver in Beijing, is to marry Park Kyung-mo, 33, who had similar success at the Games. "The exact date hasn't been decided2 yet but, yes, they are dating each other and planning to get married," said an official from the Korea Archery Association. The two, known for their cool composure in competition, struck up a relationship while training for the Olympics. They surprised team mates and coaches by announcing at a Beijing restaurant that they were engaged, local media reported people close to the two archers as saying. South Korean archers have dominated3 the sport at the Olympics for years. The two Parks have won a total of five Olympic gold medals and two silvers from Beijing and the 2004 Games in Athens. Groom-to-be Park Kyung-mo was quoted by the association as telling reporters: "Now that it's known to everyone, I hope people will welcome the news. Please give as much attention to archery as you give to us." ![]() 韩国射箭项目的一名官员日前称,在北京奥运会上双双夺金的韩国射箭队“一哥”“一姐”可谓双喜临门,他们在奥运结束后宣布了结婚计划。 25岁的朴成贤在北京奥运会上带领韩国女子射箭队勇夺团体金牌,并夺得个人项目的银牌;而她的未婚夫,33岁的朴敬模在本届奥运会上也同获佳绩。 韩国射箭协会的一名官员称:“目前两人的婚期尚未确定,但他们正在约会,并打算结婚。” 这对在赛场上以沉着冷静而著称的金牌情侣在备战奥运期间坠入爱河。 韩国当地媒体援引两人密友的话说,当时两人在北京一家饭店宣布婚讯时,队友和教练都大吃一惊。 长期以来,韩国在奥运射箭项目上一直占据着霸主地位。这对朴姓射箭情侣在本届北京奥运会和2004年的雅典奥运会上共斩获五枚金牌和两枚银牌。 韩国射箭协会援引朴敬模的话说:“既然大家现在都知道了,那就希望大家能祝福我们。请大家在关注我们的同时,也多多关注射箭运动。” 点击 ![]()
上一篇:北京奥运会十大动容瞬间 下一篇:“名嘴”奥普拉邀奥运奖牌得主做客节目 |
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