• 罗马尼亚举行"中国大使奖学金"颁奖仪式

    17-06-18 Chinese Ambassador Scholarship was launched at the Chinese Embassy in Romania on Saturday, with some 300 students, teachers, representatives of overseas Chinese community and Chinese enterprises participating in the ceremony. 中国大使奖学金颁奖仪式...

  • 习近平任命一位新的驻约旦大使

    16-01-05 Chinese President Xi Jinping appointed a new ambassador to Jordan on Monday. 中国国家主席习近平本周一任命一位新的驻约旦大使。 Pan Weifang was named the new ambassador, replacing Gao Yusheng, according to a statement from the national legislature. Pa...

  • 津巴布韦驱逐利比亚大使

    11-08-31 Zimbabwe has expelled Libya's ambassador who last week abandoned Col Muammar Gaddafi and backed the rebels. 津巴布韦政府下令驱逐利比亚大使,该大使上周放弃支持卡扎菲改投反对派阵营。 The Libyan embassy in Harare was stormed on 24 August Taher Elmagrah...

  • 边境冲突 埃及召回驻以色列大使

    11-08-20 Egypt says it is withdrawing its ambassador to Israel over the deaths of five of its policemen on the two countries' border. 五名埃及警察在与以色列边境交接处丧生,埃及称将召回驻以大使。 The five were killed as Israeli troops pursued(追击,追踪) Pa...

  • 意大利因罪犯引渡问题召回驻巴西大使

    11-06-12 Italy has recalled its ambassador to Brazil after the country refused to extradite an Italian fugitive. 巴西拒绝引渡一位意大利逃犯,意大利因此召回其驻巴西大使。 Cesare Battisti has been on the run since 1981 Italy says it will contest Brazil's decis...

  • 奥巴马演讲 任命骆家辉为驻华大使

    11-03-21 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. As many people know, our current Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, has decided to step down from his current job. During his tenure(任期,占有) , Jon has been an outstanding advocate for this administration...

  • 美国驻阿富汗大使建议不要增兵

    09-11-12 The US ambassador in Kabul has written to the White House arguing against sending thousands more American troops to Afghanistan. 美国驻喀布尔大使向白宫写信,反对向阿富汗派遣美国部队。 Ambassador Eikenberry was previously a military commander in Afgh...

  • Ambassador backs Afghan mission

    09-08-27 The UK ambassador in Kabul has defended the use of soldiers to protect Afghan elections - despite low voter turnout. 英国在喀布尔的大使用事实验证了士兵保卫阿富汗选举活动的进行,尽管投票率很低。 Panther's Claw saw the biggest monthly death toll since...

  • Iraq and Syria recall ambassadors 伊拉克、叙利亚召回各自大使

    09-08-26 Iraq and Syria have both recalled their ambassadors in a deepening rift over claims Damascus was harbouring militants who bombed Baghdad. 伊拉克和叙利亚各自召回自己的外交大使,双方因大马士革潜伏的武装力量轰炸了巴格达而导致矛盾产生。 The alleged conf...

  • at Reception Honoring Ambassadors

    09-08-08 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT RECEPTION HONORING AMBASSADORS THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Well, I want to welcome all of you to the White House. Michelle and I are honored to host you here tonight; to get to know you, and to underscore the impo...