• 瑞典女权主义者焚烧瑞士币抗议薪酬不公

    10-07-11 本周二,瑞典女权主义党派在瑞典东南海岸的哥得兰岛上焚烧了十万瑞典克朗的纸币,以此对本国男女同工不同酬的问题表示抗议。 Sweden's Feminist party roasted a pile of bank notes worth 100,000 Swedish crowns ($13,010) on Tuesday in a stunt designed to highli...

  • 法德领导人称需要征收银行税

    10-06-15 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have renewed calls for a global bank levy and a financial transaction tax. 德国总理安吉拉默克尔与法国总统尼古拉萨科奇号召全球范围内对银行和财务交易征税。 The two leaders said they...

  • 美国将出台银行监管法案

    10-03-15 A new bill to tighten regulation of US banks is due to be unveiled on Monday, but it is unclear if it will succeed in gaining Senate support. 美国将于当地时间星期一宣布一项加强对银行监管力度的法案,不过目前尚不清楚该法案是否会赢得参议院的支持。 Chri...

  • 冰岛否决偿还冰储银行债务的计划

    10-03-07 Voters in Iceland have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to pay the UK and the Netherlands in the wake of collapse of the Icesave bank. 冰岛选民以压倒性的投票驳回了因冰储银行倒闭而赔偿英国和荷兰的提议。 Some 230,000 Icelanders were eligible to vote...

  • 奥巴马银行控制计划导致股市下跌

    10-01-22 Stock markets have fallen sharply in response to far-reaching plans by Barack Obama to curb the activities of the biggest US banks. 奥巴马控制美国各大银行财政行为的长远举措出台之后,股票市场急剧下滑。 The effects of US banking plans will be felt aro...

  • 阿根廷央行首脑退位

    10-01-08 Argentina's central bank boss has stepped down after the president signed a decree firing him for refusing to use currency reserves to pay foreign debt. 阿根廷央行首脑拒绝使用货币储备来支付外债,总统签署一项法令要解雇他,他因此退位。 Mrs Fernandez d...

  • 冰岛领导人否决银行破产赔偿法案

    10-01-06 Iceland's president has refused to sign a controversial bill to repay $5bn (3.1bn) to the UK and the Netherlands. 冰岛总统拒绝签署关于向英国和荷兰赔偿50亿美元的广受争议的法案。 President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson said he would instead hold a referendum...

  • 冰岛人们抗议就Icesave破产进行的赔偿

    10-01-03 Almost a quarter of voters in Iceland have signed a petition against plans to repay money lost by foreigners when an Icelandic online bank collapsed. 冰岛将近四分之一的选民签署一项反对偿还因在线银行破产而造成外国客户损失的请愿书。 The Icesave online...

  • 阿联酋将对银行提供额外流动资金

    09-11-30 The central bank of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has said it will provide banks with extra liquidity. 阿联酋中央银行称其将对银行提供额外流动资金。 Concerns about Dubai's financial health hit world markets The news comes days after the state-owned...

  • 骏懋银行将裁员5000人

    09-11-11 Lloyds Banking Group is to cut 5,000 more jobs by the end of next year as it continues to reduce overlap following its merger with HBOS last year. 骏懋银行集团计划明年年底之前裁员至少5000人,该银行自去年与哈利法克斯银行合并之后一直在缩减冗陈机构。 S...