• 美国银行涉嫌贷款欺诈被起诉

    12-10-25 Bank of America is being sued for $1bn for alleged mortgage fraud. 美国银行因涉嫌贷款欺诈被起诉赔付10亿美元。 The civil lawsuit has been brought by the US Attorney Preet Bharara, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, New York. He accuses Countryw...

  • 近1/10信用卡比钞票还脏

    12-10-21 A study has found that nearly one in 10 bank cards contains faecal matter. Cash is little better with one in seven bank notes containing high levels of bacteria similar to that found in a dirty toilet bowl. 一项研究发现,近十分之一的银行卡都携带粪便...

  • 瑞士银行职员举报逃税获奖励

    12-09-17 Attorneys for jailed former Swiss banker Bradley Birkenfeld announced Tuesday that the IRS will pay him $104 million as a whistleblower reward for information he turned over to the US government. 瑞士银行前职员布拉德利比肯菲尔德的律师本周二称,美国...

  • 韩国政府发布经济刺激方案

    12-09-13 South Korea has unveiled a fresh stimulus plan, in an attempt to revive growth in its economy. 韩国政府发布一项新的经济刺激方案,以试图恢复经济增长。 Its central bank will inject $1.3bn into banks, which will use it to provide low-interest rate loan...

  • 巴克莱银行新总裁将实行改革

    12-09-11 The new boss of Barclays, Antony Jenkins, has said that he will be quick and bold in making reforms at the bank. 巴克莱银行新总裁安东尼詹金斯称,他将迅速、勇敢地做出改革。 Mr Jenkins is faced with rebuilding the bank's reputation after a series of s...

  • 七月全球粮价上涨10%

    12-08-31 Global food prices have leapt by 10% in the month of July, raising fears of soaring prices for the planet's poorest, the World Bank has warned. 世界银行发出警告,七月份全球粮食价格上涨10%,激起了世界上贫困国家的恐慌。 The bank said that a US heatwav...

  • 欧元创始人表示欧元区可能瓦解

    12-08-18 One of the founding fathers of the euro admits that some states may be forced to abandon the single currency, but insists Germany would be better off staying in. 欧元的创始人之一奥托马伊辛近日表示,一些欧元区国家可能被迫放弃这一单一货币,但他认为德...

  • 英取款机出故障吐双倍钱数

    12-07-31 POLICE were called to restore order after a bank ATM in eastern England started dispensing twice the money its customers were asking for. 英格兰东部一家银行的自动取款机给储户送钱,储户取多少钱,取款机就吐出双倍的钱。故障发生后,警察被召来维持秩序。...

  • Logic Reasoning 逻辑推理

    12-06-12 A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic. Here is the situation, she said. A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. His wife he...

  • 英国ATM故障吐双倍现金 银行不追究顾客责任

    12-05-26 Hundreds of people cashed in after an ATM machine began paying out double - and a bank said they can keep the unexpected windfall. 英国某地一台ATM机发生故障,在顾客取款时会吐出双倍数额的现金,有数百名顾客趁机取款,但银行表示大家可以留下这份飞来横财...