• 在咖啡馆工作学习真的高产

    21-01-28 据研究调查表明,咖啡馆所具有的一些特点能够激发我们在办公学习时的创造力(trigger our creativity)。近日,BBC刊登的一篇文章解析了为何人们在咖啡馆会更具创造力。纵观历史,许多名人的杰作就是在咖啡馆里创造出来的。 Pablo Picasso, JK Rowling, Simone de Beau...

  • 美国咖啡馆使用礼貌用语可享折扣

    16-07-25 A cafe in Virginia has come up with an ingenious new strategy to convince customers to be more polite. 美国维吉尼亚州的一家咖啡馆提出了一个别出心裁的策略,来说服顾客变得更加礼貌。 The business offers financial rewards to those who mind their ps and...

  • 《咖啡馆社交圈》被选为2016戛纳电影节开幕影片

    16-03-30 Director Woody Allens latest film, Cafe Society has been selected to open this years Cannes Film Festival. 伍迪艾伦导演的最新电影《咖啡馆社交圈》被选为今年戛纳电影节的开幕影片。 The film stars Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg. Its the tale of a H...

  • 伦敦将开一家“死亡咖啡馆”

    15-09-30 London looks set to host a permanent Death Cafe, a coffee shop where people can go to talk about one of life's most awkward subjects - dying. 伦敦即将开一家永久的死亡咖啡馆,在这里人们可以谈论人生中最避讳的话题之一死亡。 Since the Death Cafe movemen...

  • “史蒂夫和狐狸”主题咖啡馆英国开业

    15-05-03 In the last few months we've seen owl cocktail bars, porridge cafes and even a micropig picnic, and the trend of bizarre pop-ups doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. 还记得前几个月的猫头鹰主题鸡尾酒吧、DIY麦片粥咖啡屋和迷你猪野餐吗?这种稀奇古...

  • 东京咖啡屋 玩偶化解单身尴尬

    14-05-26 Talk about creative coping mechanisms for being alone -- from the blogger who photographs selfies with his imaginary girlfriend to the company that takes your stuffed animals on vacation without you, Japan appears to be cornering the market on accom...

  • 荷兰咖啡馆或禁向外国游客开放

    12-04-27 A judge in the Netherlands is due to decide whether foreign tourists should be banned from entering cannabis cafes. 荷兰一位法官正在裁决是否禁止外国游客进入咖啡馆。 While soft drugs are tolerated, there is growing concern at tourists visiting just f...

  • 澳餐厅做出世界上最大汉堡

    10-06-12 An Australian cafe is claiming a world record after cooking a giant hamburger with an 81 kg (178 lb) patty that took 12 hours to cook and four men to flip. 澳大利亚一家餐厅日前做出了世界上最大的汉堡,这个汉堡的肉饼重达81公斤(合178磅),制作耗时12个...

  • 休闲好去处 日本“猫咪时光”咖啡馆

    10-05-22 在日本大阪市心斋桥地区的美国村,有一家名为猫咪时光的咖啡馆。这家咖啡馆的诱人之处不是口感上佳的咖啡,而是一群不寻常的服务员猫。 The cafe, named Neko no Jikan, which can be translated as cats' time, is one of Japan's original cat cafes and is home to...

  • 美国首家大麻餐馆开业

    09-11-21 美国首家大麻餐馆上周五正式开业。这家餐馆位于俄勒冈州波特兰,为当地持有大麻医用许可证的人提供大麻和吸食场所。一直力推大麻合法化的美国大麻种植法改革组织成员表示,这个餐馆的开业对他们来说代表着个人自由。这家餐馆每天的营业时间为早十点到晚十点,会员每月...