• 东京一家餐厅平安夜拒绝接待情侣

    14-12-19 A restaurant in Tokyo has announced that it will refuse to serve couples on Christmas Eve because their happiness would serve to remind single members of staff of their loneliness. 因担心情侣共度平安夜的场景会让店内单身员工更感孤独,日本东京一家餐厅...

  • 婚礼开销小的婚姻通常更长久

    14-10-21 If you're serving burgers and Bud Light at your backyard wedding, don't worry. You and your spouse may have the last laugh. 如果你仅有能力在你的后院婚礼上提供汉堡和百威清啤?别担心,你和你的伴侣可能会笑到最后。 A new study found that couples who spe...

  • 家庭暴力在同性夫妻间更常见

    14-09-24 Domestic violence occurs at least as frequently, and likely even more so, between same-sex couples compared to opposite-sex couples, according to a review of literature by Northwestern Medicine scientists. Previous studies, when analyzed together, i...

  • 婚礼越盛大 将来婚姻越幸福

    14-08-29 The stress of organising a big wedding can leave many couples at breaking point, as they battle to coordinate a celebration on a scale which would tax even professional event planners. 筹划一场盛大的婚礼的压力之大,可使众多爱侣变为冤家怨偶。他们为这...

  • 吸大麻频率越高 家庭暴力越少

    14-08-27 New research findings from a study of 634 couples found that the more often they smoked marijuana(大麻) , the less likely they were to engage in domestic violence. The study, conducted by researchers in the University at Buffalo School of Public H...

  • 12/13/14 婚礼完美连续日

    14-08-01 想在今年完成终身大事的情侣,可以考虑将婚礼定在12月13日。错过今年12/13/14大吉日,得再等20年,下一个完美连续日期是1/2/34(2034年1月2日)。 Like other iconic dates before it, Dec. 13, 2014, is prompting couples in central Ohio and elsewhere to book it...

  • 印度:强奸法律不适用于已婚夫妇

    14-05-16 A man who allegedly drugged and raped his wife has been acquitted after a judge confirmed Indian rape laws do not apply to married couples. 在法官确认印度强奸法律不适用于已婚夫妇之后,一名涉嫌对其妻子服用麻醉剂后实施强奸的男子被判无罪。 Feminist cam...

  • 爱使人更坚强

    14-05-10 It is springtime and they are everywhere: Newly enamored(迷恋的) couples walking through the city hand in hand, floating on cloud nine(九霄云上) . Yet a few weeks later the initial rush of romance will have dissolved and the world will not appea...

  • 乌拉圭同性婚姻法案开始生效

    13-08-05 Same sex couples will be allowed to apply to marry in Uruguay from Monday, nearly four months after a bill was approved by the country's Congress. 本周一开始乌拉圭的同性情侣可以申请结婚,此时距国会通过该法案已将近四个月时间。 President Jose Mujica s...

  • 哪里才是给你幸福的地方

    13-06-24 Once, when a relationship I loved but struggled with was ending, I felt convinced that if only he and I went to the spot of one of our first dates (a place we had returned to throughout our relationship and where we always felt calm and connected),...