• 异性夫妇整体健康状况好于同性夫妇

    13-02-28 Same-sex couples who live together have worse health than married opposite-sex couples and similar health as opposite-sex couples who are living together (after adjusting for socioeconomic differences), according to a new study from researchers at R...

  • divorce appointment 离婚预约

    13-01-28 Couples are told to make an appointment at least seven days after they file for a divorce. More than 40 percent of those who came to the bureau to get a divorce in April, May and June didn't return for their final appointments. 提出离婚的夫妻被告知...

  • 三12日迎来全球新人结婚潮

    12-12-14 Wednesdays aren't usually popular days to have a wedding, but this Wednesday is very popular because the date is December 12, 2012 12/12/12. 周三本不是结婚的旺日,但本周三全球却迎来了结婚潮,因为恰逢2012年12月12日(12/12/12)。 We caught up with one...

  • 共同分担家务的夫妇离婚率高

    12-10-02 Divorce rates are far higher among modern couples who share the housework than in those where the woman does the lion's share of the chores, a Norwegian study has found. 挪威一项最新调查表明,共同分担家务的现代夫妇的离婚率比妻子承担绝大部分家务的夫...

  • 单身也快乐

    12-09-11 Singles are happy to be single, believe they're more open to new experiences, and in better physical shape than couples, according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive. Survey results were released in honor of National Singles Week, Sept. 16-...

  • 夫妻同行矛盾多

    12-01-16 Couples who do similar jobs find it harder to maintain a proper work-life balance, a study has found. 研究发现,做相近工作的夫妻更难以维持工作和生活的平衡。 Researchers looked at the lives of more than 600 academics, about half of whom had significa...

  • 美国年轻人怕离婚因而不结婚

    11-12-25 Fear of the trauma of divorce is stopping many young couples from walking down the aisle, a university report has found. 一项大学研究发现,许多美国年轻情侣不结婚是因为怕遭受离婚的创伤。 With the share of married adults at an all-time low in the Unit...

  • 英国夫妻吵架原因大调查

    11-08-27 Les Dawson once said he knew when his mother-in-law was coming round because the mice threw themselves on to the traps. Sadly, it seems that many of us feel the same way. 赖斯道森曾经说他丈母娘一来,他能马上察觉到因为连老鼠都乖乖逃到捕鼠夹里去了。令...

  • 纽约同性婚姻正式合法化

    11-08-07 New York City's event planners are gearing up for a surge in business after the Empire State embraced same-sex marriage and hundreds of couples rush to tie the knot. 纽约州同性婚姻近日正式合法化,几百对同性恋人迫不及待要喜结良缘。纽约市的婚庆策划者...

  • Baby-pooling “拼养”小孩

    11-04-19 Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. Thats the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, n...