• 消费者的零点困惑

    10-11-16 Why would someone choose a credit card with a one percent interest rate over another with a zero percent rate? A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research finds that consumers are often flummoxed(困惑的) when it comes to zero. A reasonable ass...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济8

    10-08-23 Q Hi, Mr. President. I was actually recently laid off of a position working at our local community college, helping dislocated workers get back and get retrained. But the position was funded on workforce investment dollars and the funding ended. As...

  • 奥巴马演讲 放行小企业信贷议案

    10-08-23 THE PRESIDENT: All right. Hello, everybody. I just sat down here at Grand Central Bakery with the Secretary of Commerce and the former governor of this great state, Gary Locke; the wonderful senior senator from the great state of Washington, Patty M...

  • 一批新英语词汇产生

    10-08-22 Men who earn less than their female partners are more likely to cheat on them, a study published on Monday found. 本周一公布的一项研究发现,收入低于女伴的男性在感情上出轨的可能性更大。 Cheating may be a man's way of trying to restore(恢复,修复) h...

  • 一词多译

    10-06-18 同一个词,由于语境的不同,其词义可千差万别。 试看下面几个例子: 1) He got all the credit for the discovery. 2) The ledger shows 300 pounds on the debit side and 50 pounds on the credit side. 3) The availability of cheap long term credit would help s...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Wall Street Reform & Main Street

    10-05-24 Remarks of President Barack Obama Saturday, May 15, 2010 Weekly Address Washington, DC On Thursday, I paid a visit to a small business in Buffalo, New York, a town thats been hard hit in recent decades. I heard from folks(人们) about the struggles...

  • 德国禁止股票无担保卖空 亚洲股市因此下跌

    10-05-19 Shares in Asia fell on Wednesday and European markets were predicted to follow suit, after a surprise move by Germany to ban the naked short-selling of shares. 德国政府意外禁止对股票实行无担保卖空,导致周三亚洲股市下跌,并有预言称欧洲股市也难逃厄运...

  • 调查:女性经常忽视男性所做的家务活

    10-03-19 Men do far more housework than they are given credit for, according to research that claims women do not notice because their male partners don't make a fuss. 一项调查称,男性所做的家务活远比他们得到承认的多。女人之所以对他们的贡献视而不见,是因为他...

  • 调查:女性花钱更谨慎

    10-03-19 It may come as a shock to husbands fond of accusing their wives of frittering the family finances on shoes and handbags, but a study has found that women are in fact better at budgeting than men. 一项研究发现,女性在花钱方面其实比男性更有计划,这可...

  • 美国新房销售再次下滑

    09-10-29 The annual rate of US new home sales fell unexpectedly in September, raising doubts about the strength of the housing sector's recovery. 九月份美国新房年度销售率意外下降,人们对房地产市场的恢复顾虑重重。 Home sales have been boosted by tax credits T...