• 中国快件投递量占世界总量40%

    18-03-26 Nearly 40 billion packages were delivered by express delivery services in China last year, accounting for 40% of the total number of packages delivered worldwide, said Ma Junsheng, head of the State Post Bureau. 国家邮政局局长马军胜表示,去年中国快...

  • 2017中国快递派件量超400亿

    18-01-10 New data from Chinas postal regulators show Chinas express delivery companies handled more than 40 billion parcels in 2017. 中国邮政监管机构最新数据显示,2017年中国各快递公司派送了超过400亿个快件。 This is the largest amount of express delivery traf...

  • 阿里巴巴首次用无人机向岛屿送货

    17-11-07 Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba announced Tuesday that it has used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, to deliver packages over water for the first time. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴周二宣布,该公司首次使用无人飞行器俗称无人机飞越水...

  • 冰岛推出无人机送货服务

    17-08-31 Locals in Reykjavik are now getting their takeaways delivered by drone. The worlds first operational drone delivery service has launched last week in Icelands capital city. 居住在冰岛首都雷克雅未克的人现在可以收无人机送来的外卖了。上周该市推出了世界...

  • 百度外卖出售给饿了么

    17-08-21 Chinese Internet giant Baidu will reportedly sell its meal ordering and delivery services, Baidu Waimai, to rival ele.me. 据报道,中国互联网巨头百度将旗下订餐和送货服务百度外卖出售给对手饿了么。 The deal is expected to be announced by ele.me as soon...

  • 京东将建造150个无人机派件机场

    17-04-07 Chinese e-commerce giant JD.com said Thursday it will build 150 airports for unmanned aerial vehicle delivery in southwestern province of Sichuan. 中国电商巨头京东商城周四表示,该公司将在四川省建设150座机场用于无人机派件。 JD.com CEO Richard Liu sai...

  • 陪产妇分娩的人似乎越来越多

    15-07-31 Once, no man would have dreamed of being present in the room as his wife was giving birth. 曾经,男人们不敢奢望可以出现在妻子分娩的产房。 Then opinions changed and the father was expected to be there to share in all the pain and joy. But now it seem...

  • 1/4英国人不会让邻居代领包裹

    14-12-05 One in four Britons would not trust their neighbour to take delivery of a parcel and 10 per cent suspect them of having stolen post in the past, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,四分之一的英国人表示不会嘱托自己的邻居代领包裹,甚至有10%的英国人怀疑...

  • 纳米粒子穿透皮肤给药

    14-10-10 Scientists at the University of Southampton have identified key characteristics that enhance a nanoparticle's ability to penetrate skin, in a milestone study which could have major implications for the delivery of drugs. Nanoparticles are up to 100,...

  • 臀位正常分娩可能对母子都有利

    10-10-27 Most babies are delivered head-first, but in about 4% of all deliveries babies are born breech ― with their buttocks(臀部) or feet first. Doctors usually exercise caution and use caesarean sections(剖腹产) (C-sections) as the delivery method of...