• 一些正着念倒着也能念的单词

    15-05-12 ram 公羊 ---- mar 弄糟 raw 生的 ---- war 战争 saw 锯 ---- was 是(is过去式) sloop 小型护航舰 ---- pools 水池 smart 机灵的 ---- trams 电车 snap 猛咬,争购 ---- pans 平底锅(pan复数) tap 水龙头 ---- pat 轻拍 bin 贮藏器 ---- nib 笔尖 Are 阿雷地区 ---...

  • Love at the front door 前门的爱

    14-10-28 I was hospitalized for a few days, and my wife reported that my dog really missed me. She spends the night at the front door, awaiting your return, she said. What an example of true love, I replied. I wonder if you'd be that concerned a about me? Ho...

  • Kidnapped 诱拐 Chapter 5

    14-09-05 Chapter 5 David comes home We decided that Alan would stay hidden in the fields, while I walked to Queensferry to find Mr Rankeillor. Alan promised not to come out until he heard me return. In order to be sure that it was me, he taught me to whistle...

  • Hours of consultation 诊疗时间

    14-07-30 It was half pass three. The doctor just lay down to have a nap when he heard a loud knock on the door. He got up and asked the man at the door: What is it? I've been bitten by a dog, said the man painfully. Well, don't you know that my hours of cons...

  • Unwelcome visitors 不受欢迎的访问者

    14-07-21 A man said to his friend, I'm bothered with time-wasting callers. His friend said, Why don't you try my plan to deal with them. What is it? he asked. His friend said: When the bell rings, I put on my hat and gloves before I open the door. If it prov...

  • 美国男子掰弯车门框解救被困司机

    14-07-02 A man saved a driver from a burning car by bending the door with his bare hands, say police, describing his feat of superhuman strength. 一名美国男子将一辆着火汽车的车门框徒手掰弯把司机解救出来,警察称这一壮举乃是超人般的力量。 The door Renning pris...

  • 美国男子被困牢房4天 获410万赔偿

    13-07-31 A university student in the US city of San Diego has received $4.1m from the US government after he was abandoned for more than four days in a prison cell, his lawyer said. 美国城市圣地亚哥的一位大学生被困在一间牢房之中超过4天,他因此获得美国政府410...

  • 《美国派4:美国重逢》四

    13-04-18 精彩对白 Jim: What took you guys so long? Finch: We were looking for Kevin. Couldn't find him. Oz: Plus , that hot piece of ass Oz is banging got wasted, so we had to drop her off . Jim: You brought him? Stifler: Of course they brought me. When you...

  • The little pink rose

    13-01-23 Once there was a little pink Rosebud, and she lived down in a little dark house under the ground. One day she was sitting there, all by herself, and it was very still. Suddenly, she heard a little tap, tap, tap, at the door. Who is that? she said. I...

  • 三顾茅庐

    12-08-27 In the third century, China was divided into three kingdoms: Wei in the north, Shu in the southwest and Wu in the southeast. Shu was a weak state. The head of Shu, Liu Bei, was searching for talents everywhere for the kingdom. He heard of a very wis...