• The Son and the Picture of a Lion 儿子和狮子的照片

    21-10-04 Once upon a time, there lived a very timid-minded father in a town. He was always worried that his son might get hurt. The son was brave and loved hunting, but his father prevented his son from hunting everyday. 从前,小镇上有一位非常胆小的父亲。他...

  • over the moon 非常高兴,狂喜

    21-09-25 over the moon 可能你看到这个短语,脑海中就会浮现出这样的旋律:我在仰望,月亮之上,有多少梦想在自由地飞翔over the moon要表达的情感或许差不多: (对某事)非常高兴,狂喜。 to be very happy about something 例句: Keith was over the moon about becoming a...

  • have a narrow escape 死里逃生

    21-08-19 死里逃生,汉语成语,意思是从极危险的境地中逃脱,幸免于死。可以翻译为have a narrow escape,a near miss或escape by the skin of ones teeth等。 例句: 我父亲在这次车祸中死里逃生。 My father had a narrow squeak in the automobile accident. 由于命运之神的...

  • knock someone dead 留下深刻印象

    21-07-15 表达 knock someone dead 直译是一拳打死某人,当我们在日常英语对话中说到这个表达时,实际含义和暴力行为没有关系。根据不同的语境,这个口语说法可以有多种含义,比如完全征服,留下深刻印象,令人大吃一惊,让人目瞪口呆等。 人们会用 knock someone dead 来鼓励他...

  • to bury the hatchet 言归于好

    21-07-02 短语 to bury the hatchet 中的hatchet 指小斧头,那么把小斧头埋了在现实生活中所表达的意思就是不再争吵,言归于好。据说这个表达最初源于印第安人,他们在与人和解后,会埋下一把原本作为武器的小斧头,以示和解。此后,人们逐渐开始用这个说法传达和解,停战,握手...

  • 你是最好的妈咪

    21-06-24 An adorable toddler has become an internet sensation for giving her mother a sweet and memorable video for her birthday - with the help of her professional photographer father. 一个蹒跚学步的可爱小女孩在网上走红了,她为过生日的妈妈录制了一段温馨的珍...

  • 经典电影中的父爱语录

    21-06-21 《狮子王》 这部改编自莎士比亚的动画片是上世纪迪士尼动画电影的里程碑。老国王木法沙(Mufasa)是辛巴(Simba)成长道路上最初的引路人,教会了他要尊重生命。 Mufasa: Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand...

  • 超燃《哪吒》台词

    21-05-28 1、别人的看法都是狗屁,你是谁只有你自己说了才算,这是爹教我的道理。 The viewpoints of others are nonsense. Its the truth my father taught me that who you are depends on what you say. 2、我会让所有人刮目相看,走着瞧! I will let people look at me wit...

  • father of hybrid rice 杂交水稻之父

    21-05-26 5月22日,杂交水稻之父袁隆平因多器官衰竭去世,享年91岁。受中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平委托,湖南省委书记许达哲专程看望了袁隆平同志的家属,转达习近平对袁隆平同志的深切悼念和对其家属的亲切问候。 President Xi Jinping has extended condole...

  • lock horns 争论不休

    21-05-22 两只鹿在打斗的时候,会顶住彼此头上的角,直到其中一方败下阵来,争斗才得以罢休。表达 lock horns 锁住角 指 卷入激烈的冲突或争执中,没有一方愿意先妥协或认输。 例句 My father and brother locked horns last night over whether my brother could use the car!...