• 津巴布韦传奇足球评论员李唯唯离世

    14-04-23 Zambian football is mourning the passing of legendary commentator Dennis Liwewe, who died on Tuesday aged 78. 津巴布韦球迷正在悼念传奇足球解说员丹尼斯李唯唯的离世。他于本周二辞世,享年78岁。 Known as the 'Voice of Zambian football' Liwewe succumbed...

  • 百威啤酒终止与英格兰足总杯的赞助协议

    14-02-08 The Football Association (FA) has confirmed it needs a new sponsor for the FA Cup after Budweiser decided not to renew its 9m-a-year deal. 英国足协证实,与百威啤酒每年900万英镑的赞助合同终止,英格兰足总杯需要另寻赞助商。 The current deal with the US...

  • 巴萨主席罗塞尔辞职

    14-01-24 Barcelona football club chief Sandro Rosell has resigned following a Spanish court's decision to examine last year's signing of Brazil forward Neymar. 巴塞罗那足球俱乐部主席桑德罗罗塞尔请辞,因西班牙某法院决定对去年巴萨签下巴西前锋内马尔进行调查。 B...

  • Welcome to Pleasant Bluff

    13-12-26 Welcome to Pleasant Bluff Caki Wilkinson It's not unpleasant here. The chicken plants and car plants grow like plants. Here, all the sames are different, though a hell-bent countenance(支持,赞同) persists in yards still plugging past elections an...

  • 教皇会见阿甲冠军圣洛伦索队球员

    13-12-19 Pope Francis has met players from his favourite football team, San Lorenzo, to celebrate their victory in the Argentine top division. 教皇弗朗西斯会见了他最喜欢的足球队圣洛伦索俱乐部的球员,庆祝他们赢得阿根廷足球甲级联赛。 Pope Francis has been a lo...

  • Becksistentialism 贝克汉姆存在主义

    13-12-10 Forget Gareth Bale and Real Madrid, the biggest unveiling in football this year is Becksistentialism , a new philosophy inspired by David Beckham's move to Paris. 加雷斯贝尔和皇家马德里都不算什么,今年足球界最引人瞩目的事件是贝克汉姆存在主义,这是小...

  • 巴西世界杯场馆将超期完工

    13-12-05 Brazil has admitted all its stadiums still under construction for the 2014 football World Cup will not be ready by Fifa's original 31 December deadline. 巴西政府承认,2014年世界杯用到的所有体育馆仍在施工中,国际足联规定的截止日期12月31日前也不会完工...

  • I'm Cheering the clock on

    13-11-13 There was a football game on TV last Saturday evening. The game was between a Spanish team and an Italian team. I sat in front of the TV at 7 o'clock, when the game just began. An hour later, my wife came to join me. She seemed to be absent-minded w...

  • 巴西世界杯体育馆建设进度堪忧

    13-08-14 Brazilian Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo has said he is worried about delays at five stadiums still being built for next year's football World Cup. 巴西体育部长阿尔多雷贝洛称,他对五座正在建设的世界杯体育馆的进度表示担忧。 The Arena da Amazonia, in Man...

  • 卡拉奇发生爆炸案 11人死亡

    13-08-07 A bomb explosion in the Pakistani city of Karachi has killed at least 11 people, including several children, and injured at least 24 others. 巴基斯坦城市卡拉奇发生一起爆炸案,至少11人死亡,其中包括7名儿童,另有24人受伤。 The bomb, which was hidden i...